Chapter 18 - Making Arrangements

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Ricky wasn't sure what he had expected, but this certainly wasn't it. What are the odds that he had actually made contact with one of Mr. Mendova's personal informants? What's more, it seemed as though Mr. Mendova had immediately gotten to work on looking into Ricky's personal life. He must really be pissed about the Mr. Black thing. 

The problem with all of this was that it meant Mr. Mendova, sooner or later, would find out that Ricky was still married to Chris, and technically breaking the law by remaining in the workforce without even being properly bonded. That was quite a bit of leverage, and knowing the man, he probably planned on using it to get rid of Ricky right away. 

Switching to his businessman persona, he decided to roll with the conversation and see if he could bend things to his advantage. "Yeah, that sounds like them alright." He made sure to sound confident and familiar with this situation. 

"Oooh." Bellini giggled over the line. "You got yourself into some big trouble if you have him looking you up again."


"Well you know me." Ricky ignored that last part and continued, hoping to gleam something useful out of this conversation. 

"What exactly did you do to get back on his radar, hun?"

Ricky shrugged to himself. "I convinced a CEO to have a meeting with me instead of the Mendovas." 

"Oh mah child, you didn't? Boy, you have a habit for poking the bear, don't you?" Bellini sounded more amused than concerned.

"Yeah, so about that...You said you promised me a favor....So would I be able to cash that in for some dirt on the guy? I doubt your...Agreement...Has anything that specifically stops you from giving information on him as well?"

"Sort of yes, sort of no." Bellini replied. "Our deal restrains me from giving any information on him to other companies or high ranked demon."

Ricky nearly jumped out of his chair in excitement. "So in other words..."

"You're an exception hun. Technically, you don't make that list."

Ricky had to hold his phone to his chest as he faced up and thanked the heavens for this mercy. For once, his low rank came in handy. "That's great! How long does it usually take?"

"Oh, maybe about a week or so, but there's a catch."

Ricky froze. "What's that?"

"We have to meet in person." Bellini replied. "I don't pass sensitive information over lines or through mail. Strictly word of mouth, ya hear?"

The concept of meeting a supposed mobster certainly frightened Ricky. His stomach was knotting up at the thought of it, but the paranoia of Mr. Mendova making Ricky lose his job was just as unsettling. Plus there was Vegas. Ricky didn't remember that night, but Bellini sure did, which meant there was a good chance that the guy already had dirt on him from whatever he did while blackout drunk. At this point he might as well see what actually happened with those vending machines. 

"Yeah, sounds good. So where should I meet you?"

"I'll send you a DM. Make sure you ain't late, and be ready to party!" Bellini chuckled, then hung up.

Ricky's heart was racing a mile a minute. Did he really just agree to this? 

Pinching his brow, Ricky prepared himself for a shit show.

After work he made his way home with his laptop. There were a few documents he'd have to finalize by morning, so he didn't plan on getting much sleep. When he went to unlock his apartment door, he found it slightly ajar. 

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