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  When I saw the wonder in your eyes, I never knew I was to scold you for it until I saw the look my father gave you.

  Oh, yes, you were one of them.

  It's so obvious, my father said through a grimace as you laughed in childish delight.

I shifted to watch you, curiosity taking hold of my chin and the woman fitting my robes pinched me for moving.

  I winced.

  You laughed again.

  I found the sound delightful.

  No one laughed at home.

  She needs a leash, my mother said, the cruelty in her voice clawing at my ears and making them bleed.

  I looked at you, forcing a frown to tug at my lips.

  Your eyes caught mine in the mirror.

  You stopped your giggling then and settled for a smile.

  Are you going to Hogwarts as well?

  I looked at my father, not sure if I was even allowed to speak to you. But he merely rolled his eyes and I nodded once.


  Your lips didn't droop at my tone. I was being rude. You didn't mind.

  I'm Ophelia.

  A tense pause.

  I ignored your hand.


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