Dat too dat too

964 46 32

Caspar's POV


Joe's POV

A couple catch-phrase? Is he serious? Oh well.

I went on my phone to check on my YouTube comments on my VlogMas videos.

It was Day 6 of VlogMas that got the most comments so far. It was when uploaded my "1 Truth 2 Lies: Hot Tub Version." Most of them were positive, spam or sometimes hate.

Actually, most of them were along the lines of:

"2 Vlogs in 1 day? You slay Joe Sugg!"


"Subscribe to me plsss xx!1!1!1!"

and the classic,

"Joe shirtless makes me want to eat him k bye."

I had barely scrolled down when a comment caught my eye,

jinx fang:
"He said he was sharing a room with Caspar and there was only a double bed, shipping jaspar so bad right now."

I looked closer at it, 4 hours ago?!?!
158 likes and 5 replies?! I knew our viewers shipped us but, there were many comments along those lines.

LR Phillips:
"And then he said "our bed" and I was like
them feels tho."


I scrolled further, they were basically all the same!

Jaspar this, Jaspar that. Why is everyone responding to this video in particular. Was it because we shared a bed?

Straight As a Rainbow:
"Are Joe and Caspar really sharing a room? Because there's only one bed..."

2 hours ago, 8 likes and 4 replies. Okay...

Maggie McKenna:
"So Joe and Caspar are sleeping in the same bed?? Lol."

I scrolled down again, another comment catching my eye,

Daminous Purity:
"Good to see you are actually relaxing a bit Joe.

Two dudes, one bed, king size and sharing "our bed". Just come out and say it! Jaspar officially saving money and we are comfortable with eachother. They are on holiday, makes sense, plus they have the separator on the bed as well.

For the people going on about it ...
GROW UP! If it did not come out and they were having a test the waters or even a full blown relationship - who would care? It would be their own "private" business. They would still be the same two people still do the exact same things they are doing now. Are you saying that you are that close minded that you'd hate them for being themselves?"

An hour ago, 2 likes.

Where do I even start.

Everyone was either freaking about about is sharing a bed or just commenting random stuff. Was it weird that we shared a bed? Sometimes we'd wake up cuddled with eachother but that's perfectly normal. Right?

"I got it!" Caspar suddenly screamed from behind me.

Jesus Christ when did he even get here?

I bit my lip, "Got what?"

"Our catch-phrase!"

"Oh that, what'd you come up with?"

"Okay so remember when we did that impression video?"

"Which one?"

"The one with Beyoncé and Jay-Z."

I nodded, "Yeah..."

"So I thought that maybe I could be like, "I'm Beyoncé, watermelon. And you could be all like, dat too dat too."

"That's stupid though."

"No it ain't! Mark my words Joseph Sugg, I'll...make you..um..take uh...that back!"

"Yeah good luck with that."

He scowled and left.

I set down my phone, it wasn't healthy to stalk a ship. Was it? Lol, I don't know.

Oh well, it's time for another q and sl- I mean bath. It's time for a bath.

I went upstairs to my room to find some clean clothes. After fishing around my drawers, I settled on some random clothes I found. I went to the bathroom and started the bath. Whelp, that's gonna take 84 years to be full.

After those 84 years passed, I stripped down and got into the hot bath. Ahhh. Finally a moment of peace. I grabbed the soap off the bar and lathered up. Here I am, sitting here. Regretting not bringing my phone, I splash around a bit.

It's time to think about life. Haha no.

I got out of the bath and dried myself off. The party's tomorrow...damn I should've washed my hair. I put on my sweatpants and a T-shirt and got out.

Caspar was sitting there, on my bed.

He looked up, "Oh you're done."

"What're you doing? Is this another prank I swear to god-"

"I wish. I came here because I'm bored."

"Make a video or something."

"No, that's too much work..."

"Then what do you want to do?"

"I don't know, what do you wanna do?"

"I don't know..."

"Thanks for the help, Joe."

''No problem mate."

He groaned and I flopped down on the bed.

"Do you wanna go out with me?" He asked.

Almost getting whiplash from turning my neck to fast at him, I ask him, "What?!"

He smirked, "Not in that way, but like go out somewhere."


"Oh, nah it's fine."


"Do you wanna watch a movie?"

"Depends, what kind of movie?"

"Whatever you want."

He shrugs, "Sure."

We head down stairs and I sit on the couch, navigating through channels.

"Ooh ooh that one!" He points excitedly.

"Okay, okay calm yourself."

He muttered under his breath, "Check yourself before you Shrek yourself."

"What was that?"


Shrek is so overrated.


Ah! You guys must hate me so much right now, and I completely understand. You see, I forgot (again) to keep up with Joe's vlogs and I didn't realize that he came back like a week ago! (about a week ago week ago). So yeah, I'm glad I had this chapter like basically done so I just decided to update tonight. I hope it isn't too short or bad! Also, my "Quotes and Shit" book is up! 140 views already, damn. I just started yesterday so idk. Hope you liked this chapter! Love ya~

- S.

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