Sweater Paws

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Joe's POV:

I was tired.

I've been waiting in this line for about 15 minutes...it shouldn't take this long for a regular cheeseburger to arrive at a table.

I tapped my fingers against the table of the restaurant out of annoyance. Sitting across from me was my best-friend, Caspar Lee. He was on his phone, like always. I tapped my fingers harder against the table to get his attention.

"You're awfully noisy today Joe," he said glancing up from his phone.

"Well, I'm bored and you aren't being very fun right now so what do you expect?" I mumbled under my breath.

"I beg your pardon?"

"It doesn't matter how much you beg, you'll never get my pardon."

He sighed and set down his phone against the table,
"So what crawled up your ass and died today?"

"I dunno," I said blankly.

"Aw cheer up JoJo!" he said laughing.
JoJo? What kind of nickname is that? More like JoNo.

"I am cheerful though!"

He paused for a moment then shook his head wildly. He pouted, "Nuh-uh, you're ruining my good mood!"

"I'm hungry," I stated, as if it were the obvious reason.

"So? I'm hungry too! What, do you want me to give you a Snickers so you can stop being ugly?" he shot back.

"Sometimes I literally wan-"

"Our food's here! Yay!" he cheered.

I lost all trail of thought as I took a bite out of my burger and nearly died because of how good it was.

The rest of the meal was silent and peaceful, both of us occasionally checking our phones to kill time. Soon enough, Caspar put his phone in his pocket and got his hoodie on.

"Are you ready to go?" he asked.

"Um, yeah whoever you're ready," I replied back awkwardly.

Everything seemed so awkward today, yesterday things were perfectly normal.

He gave me a strange look and got up.
"Check please!" he yelled loudly.
God, he was so loud.
The waiter came over to our table, obviously startled by Caspar's extremely obnoxious, loud voice.

Everything seemed to annoy me today and quiet frankly, I don't know why either.

As I turned to grab my coat I realized that I didn't bring a coat in the first place. I cursed myself for not bringing it. It was pretty cold, and here I am, wearing this flimsy shirt and jeans.

I snapped back to reality,

"Where's your coat? It's cold," he

"Well, erm..you see..I didn't really bring a coat with me."

He threw his head back and laughed.
"You're always in your trainers and the one day it's very cold out you don't...have..your..jacket!"

I could feel my face flush and I bowed my head sheepishly, everyone at the restaurant was goggling at Caspar's hysterical laughter. I was trying so hard not to laugh at Caspar's laughter, but it was so tempting.

By the time we were outside the door, Caspar was still laughing. I was grinning like an idiot, trying not to laugh.

I didn't realize that it actually was very cold until a gust of air swept through and I shivered. It was so warm in the restaurant and now I'm outside, freezing my bum off. I cursed myself for not bringing the car.

Caspar looked over at me and laughed, again.
"What's wrong Joe? Is it t-t-to-o c-c-cold for you here?"
I grimaced as the passing people gave us weird looks and glances.
"Casp," I hissed, "Caspar can y-"
I was interrupted by Caspar shoving his hoodie into my face.

"Here," he said.
I looked at him skeptically, was this a really weird prank? I held up the black hoodie, examining it. Wait, won't he be cold? I looked back at him and he was wearing a long-sleeved shirt. Who wears a long-sleeved shirt with a hoodie?

He snorted at my reaction,
"It's not gonna bite you, go on."
I slipped it on and oh..it was so warm. The hoodie was warm and soft and smelled nice. I stopped shivering.

"It's really big on you," he said eyeing me up and down.

I looked down, and he was right. The bottom of the hoodie stopped at mid-thigh and my fingers couldn't reach the end of the sleeve. Oh, now I have sweater paws. Oh well.

"Thanks Caspar," I said.
He nodded and we walked down the street side-by-side. Even as we were walking I couldn't stop smelling the hoodie. It smelled so nice, like fresh linen. I wonder if he smells like that...I glanced up at him and at the same time, he glanced down at me. We were staring at each other's eyes for what felt like an eternity.

I broke away first, feeling oddly warmer than I usually do...

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