Double Trouble

910 55 1

Joe's POV

The doorbell rang again, snapping me out of my stupor.

It's on.

Caspar and I raced to the front door, trying to push each other out of the way at every chance. I grabbed the door knob first and quickly unlocked the door.

I was greeted by a smiling Zoe and Alfie both clutching equally bulky bags.

"Oh hey g-"

Caspar then decided that it was the best time to ram into me, I got squashed against the wall.

"Oh get wrecked!" Alfie yelled excitedly.

"Welcome to our humble home!" Caspar yelled with enthusiasm rivaling Alfie's.

"Ooh I like your door mat, it's so festive!" Zoe gushed.

I pushed Caspar out of the way, "Why thank you, we got it at our Christmas haul!"

Alfie gasped, "Zoe! We forgot to do our intro!"

"Oh my god!" Zoe set down her bags.

"Ready? Okay!"

"Prepare for trouble!" Zoe yelled.

"Make it double!" Alfie yelled louder.

"What are you guys doing?" Caspar asked.

"We'll explain inside, it's cold out here!"

They hurried past me and I heard Zoe let out a breath.

"I thought I was gonna freeze to death!" Alfie exclaimed.

I locked the door, "So, you need to explain that thing right?"

"Oh right!"

"So tomorrow, at the sleepover, Alfie and I wanted to have like a grand entrance. We even have matching footie-pajamas they're so cute I can't wait t-"

Caspar cut her off, "I don't want a story about your footie's! Get on with it!"

"Okay gosh...anyways so I was looking at like couple catch-phrases and I came across one that was from Pokémon, the prepare for trouble make it double thing and we were gonna use that to make our entrance tomorrow."

Zoe and Alfie beamed.

"Oh! It's from Team Rocket!" Alfie piped up.

"Moving guys are here to set up right?"

"Yeah! Since we're YouTubers and like the icon is red, we brought red stuff like; red cups and red napkins," Alfie explained.

"Alright, just don't mess up our Christmas decorations though!" Caspar said.

"Sure thing!" Zoe said.

They walked past us and started working.

-1 hour later-

"Done!" Zoe and Alfie yelled.

In my opinion, it looked great. They moved the table and chairs around and put red cups and paper plates on the tables and all that.

"Impressive," I said.


"Thank you!"

"So um what are we gonna do at the party tomorrow," Caspar asked.

"Play charades or watch movies or something like that," Zoe said shrugging.

"Okay cool."

"Oh would you look at the time! We better get going before it gets colder," Zoe blurted out.

"Yeah we should go," Alfie echoed.

They turned away.

"Wait, I have a question for you guys!" Caspar yelled frantically.

They both turned back around and said in sync, "What is it?"

"Why'd you guys set up today? Why didn't you just set up tomorrow?"

"No reason," Zoe said quickly.

Yes reason.

"We didn't want to do it tomorrow, we have our entrance and yeah..."
Alfie trailed off.

"Well that's an answer, we'll see you guys around! Bye!" Alfie said.

Alfie ushered Zoe out of the door, and when I knew that they left I turned to Caspar.

"What was that all about?"

Caspar shrugged, "I don't know but I have a feeling it's not good..."

"Do you think they rigged the house or something?"

"Oh yeah Joe, your sister and her evil boyfriend rigged our house with bombs for tomorrow's party so we can all perish," Caspar said sarcastically.

"No in that way you dick!"

"Then what way?!"

"I don't know," I said softly.

"Well, if you don't know I highly doubt I know."

"Hey! Don't we need a catch-phrase too!" Caspar declared.

"Isn't that like a couple thing?" I said slowly.

"We are a couple, I mean we had Emma Lee together didn't we?"


"I'll think of one! In fact, I'll go think of one right now!" He said, running up to his room.



Caspar and Joe released like 4 videos together yesterday I almost died. This story originally had 313 views, but I deleted an A/N bc I forgot why. Anyways thanks so much for 22 votes holy crap!

Love ya

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