Late Night Cuddles

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Joe's POV

"You look good in that position."

The words rung in my ears as I sat on the couch and Caspar grabbed the remote. The position we were in was embarrassing, well at least to me. I shuddered from just thinking about it.

Oh wait, I looked down, yep I'm still in my normal clothes from earlier.

"Caspar?" I asked.


"Can I go to my room to change into my pajamas?"


"What! Why not?"

"Because you're gonna run away or something, I'm not stupid," he stated casually.

I gave an exasperated sigh and burrowed deep into Caspar's hoodie. I feel like a worm.

"Aha!" Caspar exclaimed.

I gave him a look.

"I got it to work, what movie do you want to watch?"

"I don't know, whatever you want," I reply.

He glares at me, "Joeeeee..."


"Pick a movie!"


"Why not!"



"Why don't you pick it!"

"Fine! We're gonna watch The Conjuring then," He said exasperatedly.

I think I've already watched that one, but I don't want to burst his bubble. Oh well.

As he navigated the movie channels, trying to find it, an awkward silence arose. The elephant in the room rampaged along as neither of us spoke a word.

Here goes nothing.

I cleared my throat, "So um..Caspar how was your trip?"

"I already told you how it went..." He said.

Oh right. Caspar just got back from doing stuff with his amovie, "Spud", with Troye. It was quite lonely here without him, the viewers went mad when he came back.

"Oh right! Sorry I forgot," I said sheepishly.

"How was you, Alfie and Zoe's Band Aid 30 thing?"

"It was great, I met a lot of cool people," I replied.

He turned to me, "Really?"

"Yeah, I met One Direction, Ed Sheeran, Ellie Goulding, Bastille, Bono, Sam Smith and Chris Martin!"

"Chris Martin? I thought he was in a band."


"Then why is it only him? Where was the rest of Coldplay?"

"I don't know, but it was awesome! Chris Martin is like the Pewdiepie of alternative music."

"Haha, yeah."

"Everyone looks up to him, even One Direction!"

"It's like he's there, but not there, right?"


He nodded and turned to the tv, scrolling down some channels.

"Ah, here it is," He said.


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