Chapter 10 - Start over

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I awaken to the soft snores of Aecus who has occupied the bed next to me. Rubbing my eyes, I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and stand up. We didn't have to work till later today since we cleaned the whole house yesterday and so only have to do a few monotonous things. I'm a very easily agitated person and I don't like wasting my time or doing something pointless like lying in bed too long.

I check the time on the clock on the wall in the hallway outside me room. It reads 10:10am. Not too bad Audax! Mental high five! My celebration was interrupted by the hum of upbeat music coming from the floor below. Curious, I go and investigate the source. Going down the stairs in my pjs I can tell I'm getting closer and that it's coming from an area adjacent to the house which I've never been to.

The door is slightly ajar but not wide enough to peek through so I slowly widen it enough for an eye to look through. Inside is neymar in an area of...heavy looking things? I read a notice on the wall that is in block capitals 'NEYMARS' GYM'. Oh so it's a gym. I watch him doing an exercise that involves him lifting a bar with circle things on the end of it that have 'Weight' engraved on it. Neymars 'singing' brings me back to focus. He belts the words at the top of his lungs with the facial expressions to match it. He looks completely focused and the sweat is dripping off him which just emphasises his perfectly toned upper shirtless body. Putting the bar back in place he gets up and nods to the beat of the current song but as he heads to an area of mats the type of song changes drastically to Te Esperando. The previous song was upbeat and appropriate for the current activities but this new song was slower and more of a ballad. I go from being giddy at neymars faces to complete silence. Neymars demeanour changes slightly as he lays down getting prepared for the next exercise in his circuit. He seems to have a sense of dread and happiness when this song comes on. The look on his face is one I've never seen before and it warms my heart as it is the most genuine I've ever seen him. The song itself is sad and I wonder how he can relate to it.

Unbeknown to myself I'm slowly opening the door and I eventually fall forward onto my knees accompanied with a loud bang which I then followed by a string of curse words from me. I heard him gasp when my elegant entrance took place and so I'm trying to stay in one place hoping either he will forget about me or I'll disappear or I'll die from embarrassment. I think it will be the first if I'm completely honest.

'..A-Audax is that you?'

Oh so I was wrong...I try slowly retreating to the door that is within close proximity. 'Audax I know it's you!' He says chuckling. shit. Why can't he just forget I was there. Looking up slowly I see his face is now occupied with a smirk and raised eyebrows that look like more of a guard than genuine expression. "Were you enjoying the show?" He says with a wink. I sigh and the feeling in my heart leaves instantly. Getting up I apologise and try to leave but he calls me, 'Audax' I turn with a expressionless look on my face. But when my eyes meet his I momentarily see a hesitation in his eyes and he goes back to the new endearing side of him. 'Ah I just wanted to say sorry for being a bit of a dick to you for the last couple of days, I'm not really like that. I was just wondering if we could have a do over, like start over?' He said giving an innocent small smile and rubbing the back of his neck. That look gave me goosebumps and caused me to smile in return and nod. 'I think that's the first smile you've ever given me!' He says with a wider smile that makes my stomach do summersaults. 'Well I better stop now shouldn't I before you get used to it' I tease. 'I better take a picture of this miraculous moment!' He jokes causing us both to chuckle. 'I'm guna go then' I say awkwardly. He nods going back to his work out and says light heartedly "you can come back and see the show anytime you like" I laugh and shake my heard leaving. I make my way back to the house when I hear the door to the gym open and hear him shout, 'oh and Audax!' I turn around and look at him, 'you have a lovely smile' he says with a sincere tone to his voice and a slight smile playing on his lips. I feel my face redden and scurry back to the house.

This will be good between neymar and I cause now we can get along as friends...but do I want to be just friends with him or something more?

The way he is with Davi is so heart warming and when he lets his guard down he is really lovely. I think just like him as a friend, yea definitely just as a friend!

Smiling I walk into the kitchen cleaning the surfaces, I hear the front door open and the person emerges into the kitchen in 'clip clop' heels and an expensive looking dress. She looks at me with a curious look. Her whole demeanor was sophisticated and kind of intimidating. 'Sorry, who are you?' She asks. 'Oh I'm Audax miss, I'm one if the new maids' I say. She then smiles and looks relieved saying 'oh thank god! For a second there I thought my husband was fooling around with some girl while I was gone' she lets out a small laugh and shifts her dark blonde hair.

Wait. Did she say husband?

Is she neymars wife?!

'Oh let me introduce myself' she says sweetly, 'I'm Carolina, neymars wife and Davi's mother' she extends her hand. I shake her hand and smile back at her as anger and jealousy surges through me. I've never experienced jealousy over a boy before. I can't believe I never noticed the ring on his finger or why he never mentioned it!

All I know is I definitely like him as more than just a friend.



Oooh so twist in the story! I decided to not make a mean girlfriend or wife like most stories as the girls seem nice in real life so I may as well have her come across the way she seems to be! Let me know what you think, are you shocked at Audaxs sudden change in heart? Why did neymar not tell Audax he's married? Leave a comment with suggestions or ideas!



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