Chapter 9 - O Garato

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With an over dramatic flop on the pristine white couch, I wriggle around trying to find a comfortable spot to sleep in. God damn this thing is so stiff and impossible to relax in but in my exhausted state it could be the sidewalk I was sleeping on for all I could care, I was going to sleep. If anyone were to disturb my well deserved slumber they will be awakening a extremely pissed of girl. Word of warning everyone...well even if the can't hear my thoughts they should know better than to wake me.

"Audax?" Aecus whispered. Yes ladies and gentlemen my stupid little brother made the silly mistake of trying to wake me even after that whole rant I had inside my head! Oh he's going to regret this! I feel his hand shaking my calve trying to wake me. I instantly know how far away he is. In a flash I lower my body and lift my legs crossing them around his neck with no pressure on his neck....yet. Still lying on my front I mumble through gritted teeth, "leave now and I won't snap your neck off dearest brother". He tried to move out of the choke hold...idiot. I tightened my grip slightly and heard him gasping for air. "What in under god is going on here?" A voice said in a disapproving tone. My eyes immediately shot open and I released Aecus to stand up. Aecus got up rubbing his neck and glared at me. I smirked but only momentarily as I remembered we were in the presence of the almighty prince grumpy ass who had finally awakened. Okay I'm still extremely tired as I haven't slept in 24 hours so of course I'm going to be mean to everyone today!

Sauntering down the stairs his majesty, dressed in a silk night gown and flip flops, made his way over to us with a look that I can only describe as extreme confusion. Shaking his head at us he diverted his attention to the spotless floor. Rubbing his 5 o'clock shadow he raised his eyebrows and smirked apparently satisfied with our job! He better be happy I'm about to drop dead cause of this egotistic prick. "Great job! If I'm completely honest I didn't expect you to finish it all! Well done for proving me wrong" he said throwing me a cheeky grin. A short lived flutter lifted my heart which made me break eye contact with him. I began to feel insecure and annoyed as he chuckled at my reaction. Aecus was next to speak "what else do you wish of us, sir?" Neymar looked my brother as if he called him the Queen of Sheeba then quickly went onto nodding knowingly as his expression became softer. "Don't call me sir, I was out of order last night I was unsettled by private matters and lashed out on you two. My sincerest apologies. Please take the afternoon off to relax here. Take advantage of the pool or I can arrange a car into the city and you can do some site seeing! Oh and everyone do please call me junior!" He spoke the last sentence louder to notify his other employees, like his personal chef. Yea he has his own chef. We nodded and walked away with Aecus infront of me but as I was about to pass junior when he caught my arm and whispered in my ear subtly, "for you it's still neymar" It made a shiver to run through my body and when I lift my eyes to his he winked and the corner of his mouth upturned. I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks and I was going to smile which I didn't want him to see as I'm still mad at him...aren't I?...yes, yes you are Audax don't let the fact he's very close to being naked make you let him off the hook. Wait. He's wearing very little am I only acknowledging this now?! Ah crap I probably look like a tomato. He chuckles when he notices my gaze fall to his open robe showing his bare chest that it hairless and perfectly chiseled cause me to redden deeper. I drop my head and try to walk in the opposite direction but he still has his hand on my arm, "are you not going to talk to me?" He says in a feigned sad tone. I turn to see him with a put on puppy dog face which he is doing so wrong that it looks like his lip was stung by a bumble bee and his eyes look like he's trying to blink something out of them. With a screwed up face I answer "will that be all sir?" He drops my arm and replies with an annoyed tone, "yes go now". I smirk satisfied when I turn my back on him, I won this round. I can't believe he's sulking now cause I wouldn't fall under his stupid spell that he's cast over about 70% of the female population of Brazil. Immature boy.

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