Chapter 3 - São Paulo

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My eyes flew open at the abrupt holt of the large vehicle we were being held captive in. I hadn't realised the that I had fallen asleep. How long have we been in here for? I couldn't tell you...I haven't seen daylight for what seems like an eternity.

A grumble emerged from my stomach making me realise how hungry I was. I glanced around the dark insides of the vehicle in search of food. At the end of my bench was a half eaten bag of something. I don't care what really, food is food.

After finishing the, surprisingly, tasty bag of food, I searched in the dark for Aecus. He was curled up on the bench opposite from me, snoring softly. I wish I could sleep as easy as he could. Continuously, I wake in the middle of sleeping sweating and panting replaying the scenes of leaving home and now the fight I encountered with these men. I hope I gave Aecus the impression that i was fearless and confident in the short brawl but in reality, my hands were shaking and so was my breath. My legs threatened to buckle under me at any second. Thinking back on it makes me frustrated. If it weren't for the adrenalin that kicked in shortly after then I wouldn't have been able to put up a good fight against the men. It let them know that I'm not someone to push around, not some defenceless little 17 year old girl.

Aecus began to stir and rubbed his eyes tiredly. He let out a groan and stretched. "How long have we been in here?" He complained. "Oh 3 days 14 hours and 36 minutes" I replied sarcastically. "Really?" Obviously didn't catch the sarcasm..."No stupid, how the hell am I supposed to know if I can't read from the height of the sun?" I said frustrated. With a hurt look on his face, as if I had just give him a hard slap, he slumped back into the wall.

I sighed "sorry, I'm just frustrated". He gave a weak smile that didn't quite meet his light brown eyes, "it's okay". I couldn't look at him for too long because he reminded me so much of our father. His dark locks that stopped shy of his shoulders hung haphazardly over his melted chocolate eyes, that I had always been jealous of I must admit. The same broad, strong jaw, which gave the impression the he retained strength and was capable of intimidating others. Just like he could...He was an adolescent version of the man who was now gone. I held in the tears as I broke eye contact with my brother. I on the other hand resembled my mother, who originated from the cities, Rio to be specific. She decided to explore the Amazon in search of ancient herbs, as she was very much into her history and culture. That's when she was met by a spear to the throat held by my father. Their eyes met and, well, the rest is history. She left her educated and wealthy life to be with the man she loved...yea she was that kind of women. She had this unusual hair colour which our tribe had never witnessed before she arrived. She said he people labelled it as "blonde"? I inherited it which made me stand out...only mines was much lighter than hers, mine was nearly white, which looks odd against my swarthy skin. My hair falls right down my back but I tend to tie it up with the few "bobbles" my mum has left, as it just gets in the way when doing...anything really. She had these unusual dark blue eyes. Mines are lighter than hers most of the time, however, they do vary in darkness sometimes.

My brother inherited his interest in learning from my mother and he reflected her in everyway personality wise. Where as, I was just like my father, skilled in combat, leading and protecting. It's funny how neither my brother or I have the personality of the parent we look like.

After sitting for, I estimate, 9 minutes, they doors flung open and my brother and I both closed our eyes shut as the harsh sun attack our eyes that had become accustomed and adjusted to the darkness. I held up a hand in hope of lessening the suns strength but it didn't work.

I hopped down from the vehicle and offered a hand to Aecus but he simply took a step down as he was much taller than me the step wasn't as steep for him as it was for me.

Immediately, the humidity was different from home. It was familiar in that it was slightly hard to breath and clung to your body. However, here was a lot heavier, the other gases mixed in the air caused the air the weigh down more and cause you to break a sweat. We were in a back street that was evidentially not too popular as the only other animal within one hundred metres was a couple of stray cats fighting over some spilt milk. They hissed at each other and clawed at the others fur in attempt to get a small lick of the milk. My eyes we drew away from the cats as crescent scar man emerged from the front seat of the van. "Welcome to São Paulo!" He said with arms raised gesturing to the tall buildings surrounding us. "This is where we must part ways, unfortunately" he said and laughed darkly.

Just as he finished a black smaller vehicle pulled up beside us, it was what I recognised from books that my mum showed me, a car. A man who look very dressed up emerged in matching jacket and trousers, with a tie and shirt on underneath...what's the word for it....a suit! Yes! he was wearing a suit. He lifted his hand and used his finger to indicate for us to come closer. We obeyed and he pointed for us to get in the car. Crescent scar and his men were already long gone. I nodded at Aecus and he got in first and I followed swiftly after. The man wearing the suit was the driver, he looked in the mirror back at us with dark, cold eyes, that were so intense they made me dart my eyes away from his gaze. He returned his eyes to the road ahead and inserted the keys into the engine. It roared to life. He put the car in gear and we set off for...I don't know where. All I know is that I was extremely scared and I didn't have a good feeling about this so I would have to keep my guard up and be alert at all times.


This chapter was really just adding to Audax and Aecus' background sorry if it was slightly boring but I think a change of pace is good for this chapter :L the next few chapters should get more interesting so stay tuned :D

Remember feel free to comment with suggestions and message me if you feel like talking :D



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