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"Anyway, you should be off. I'm going to send you too back to the Yoacia Kingdom." The man smiled at Jimin and next thing Taehyung and Jimin knew they were on the edge of the poor region of his kingdom. 

"We have arrived at the Kingdom of Yoacia." Taehyung said to Jimin.

"These people are starving." Jimin said with tears in his eyes as he went up to a women who was holding a baby that was crying. 

"Hello ma'am, may I hold your baby?" Jimin asked the woman kindly. The woman handed him the baby and he cradled the child and was able to calm him down. "Shhh, it's okay little one." He spoke softly to the child. He wiped the tears and kissed its forehead and handed him back to the woman. "Thank you sir." 

"It's no problem ma'am. You can call me Jimin." He said holding his hand out to the woman. She shook it and said, "Thank you so much, my name is Anna." She said. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I hope we can meet again." Jimin bowed. Taehyung looked at him in awe at how kind he was and how it came so naturally. Taehyung and Jimin walked through the poor part of the kingdom and went to the palace. They walked in and the maid came to greet him. 

"Hello, Prince Kim." She said and bowed.  

Taehyung put a hand gently on her shoulder and she looked at him.  

"I need to apologize for the way I had treated you and the rest of the staff, and I hope you can forgive me." Taehyung said and bowed at the maid. "Oh and please call me Taehyung, you're the same as I." The woman looked at him and nodded and went back to the kitchen. 

Taehyung and Jimin went to the living room where the rest of his family was. Jin walked out of the kitchen and clapped Taehyung on the shoulder. "Great job little bro, you did great." "Thanks Jin Hyung." The others looked at Jimin and he was fiddling with his hands uncomfortably and shifted his weight from foot to foot.

"Hey guys, this is Jimin and he is my-" Taehyung was cut off when Jimin said. 

"Boyfriend. I'm his boyfriend." Jimin smiled and grabbed his hand and kissed his cheek. 

The others started to laugh as Taehyung turned bright red. They were laughing so hard they were in tears.  After they calmed down Taehyung decided to tease Jimin a little bit.

"So Jimin, do you want to tell them your theories of how I got to Seoul?" Taehyung said and Jimin turned bright red. The others started to laugh and Jimin smacked his shoulder. 

"Well, science science science, more big words and definitions and other boring physic's." Jin said teasingly summing up all the things Jimin said. 

"Hey, just cause you two morons couldn't understand what I was saying doesn't mean its boring you uncultured swine!" Jimin said at them and crossed his arms. The others went silence until Jungkook spoke

"Dang Tae, where did you find him? I need to find someone like him." Jungkook said shocked at what Jimin had said. 

"Well he kinda found me." Taehyung said giving them his bx smile. 

"Anyways introduce yourselves to Jimin." Jin said. 

"Hello, I'm your sunshine, your hope, I'm Jung Hoseok, but you can call me J-hope." 

"I'm Yoongi, but you can call me Suga or whatever you want." 

"I'm Namjoon, the smartest person in this kingdom." 

"Actually, Jimin might beat you there." Jin said. 

"No no no, I'm not that smart." Jimin said embarrassed. 

"We shall continue this conversation later." Jin said

"I'm Jungkook, and you can call me anything." 

"Okay losers it's time to eat." Jin said. The others ran to the table while Jimin shyly walked. "So Jimin, what were the theories you thought of?" Namjoon asked.

"I simply asked if Jin was a dopperganger from that earth and the Jin you knew was from a different earth and that earth was a relica of this earth but from a different time. That would prove the theory of the multiverse. That would also change how we looked at everything. It would be a breakthrough for science, or it could be a pocket dimension where there was a small ruffle in reality creating a pocket in reality." Jimin said bored knowing that they wouldn't be able to understand what he was saying. 

Namjoon's eyes widen and said "That would be amazing, being able to have another one of yourself but from a different earth. Could there possibly be time remnants. Do you know what that is?" Everyone looked at Jimin. 

"Of course, I would be an idiot if I didn't. A time remnant is when some someone goes back in time and meets themselves and changing the past therefore making a new future, and then that copy of the person is wasted and stuck in time because the future they were expose to have wouldn't ever exist. Therefore he or she is a extra. Duh." Jimin said taking a drink of water. The others look at Namjoon. 

"Wow, Jin was right, you are smart. Not smarter than me of course but probably close behind." Jimin smiled and........

sike again... 

But should there be another chapter to finish or should I just leave it like this. hahahahahha

Happy Easter humans. 

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