Thrown out

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Taehyung's POV: 

Since I'm a prince and I have a lot of money I'm going to throw a party and all of my friends are going to be invited. "Maids!" A maid ran into the room and bowed. I rolled my eyes, such a suck-up. 

"Yes master, how can I be of service to you." 

"I want you to send a message to the Kingdoms of Glaeweth, Ethoseth, Asteahan, Uneriwien," I responded without looking at her because after all, she isn't worthy of my sight. 

"Yes sir, what would you like that message to say?"  

"Actually I'll just write it and you can give it to the guards to deliver. Your dismissed." I said waving my hand away. 

"To TXT (Glaeweth Kindom): 

The BTS kingdom is having a party and you are invited. It is not formal and its just to hang out and waste time. " 

He sent this to Blackpink (Ethoseth Kingdom), Twice (Asteahan Kingdom), and Monsta X (Uneriwien Kingdom).  

I walked to the kitchen because I was hungry and saw Jin. 

"Jin Hyung, what are you doing? You do know that we have maids to do the cooking right?" I asked him. 

"Yes Taehyung, I am well aware but they already have to much to do everyday so I'm making lunch today." 

I rolled my eyes. "You're to nice to them. They need to know their place Hyung." 

"You know, one day Karma is going to get you and you're going to feel bad that you treat people like trash." 

"Whatever Hyung." I left the kitchen and went down one of the many hallways and went to see Jungkook.  

"Hey Jungkook, whats up?" 

"Nothing, I'm really bored."

"Well, we are having a party in a couple days so we should get ready."

"Who's all coming?" 

"Just the Ethoseth, Asteahan, and the Uneriwien kindoms." 

"Cool." he said going back to playing a video game. 

(3rd POV) *Time Skip to the party*

After everyone arrived, the maids brought out food that they worked really hard to make with Jin's help of course. The kingdoms were chatting and having fun. Jin walked to the kitchen and asked. "Do you guys need help?" The maids froze and bowed. "Master we didn't see you there."  "Clara, what have I told you about calling me Master, you can call me Jin okay?" " Okay." Clara said unsure of his request. "No Jin, we don't need any help, we have it covered." Jin smiled and went to the party. 

(Taehyung's POV) 

The party was going well but then a guard walked up to me and said in my ear "We found a strange person roaming the kingdoms grounds and he is in the dungeon."

"Thank you for letting me know. You can have to night off." 

I  went down to the dungeon to see what the useless man wanted only to see the man floating above the ground.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my kingdom?" I demanded in my deep voice. 

"I'm here to teach you to be nicer to people. And if you don't I will cast you away. Very far from here." He threatened

"Whatever your wasting my time. You can rot here like the scum you are." I said and was going to go back to the party but the man started to mumble and I felt light- headed, but blamed it on the amount of rum that was in my system. Then everything went black. 

*Few hours later* 

"Hello? Are you okay sir?" A voice said and I opened my eyes. I quickly sat up and looked around the room. I looked at the person who spoke. I was a man; but he had a cute face and plump lips. 

"Where am I?" I demanded. 

Hahahahahaha. Cliff hanger.... Stick around to find out what happens next.

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