(76) a cool lil doodle from the times when i still had school

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Hello, so sorry I haven't been updating! Quarantine has been... mneeeaullgh, if you know what I mean (I don't expect you to that was a vaguest shit ever). Basically, I have a fuckton if schoolwork and I don't know how to time manage so it's piling up, I have more ballet than before quarantine, and I have already lost my grip on reality and the space-time continuum is collapsing in on itself. Send help.

Anyways, here's a non-star wars doodle from AH a little bit ago. I stole some of my friend's pens to do this and I really like the colours:)

 I stole some of my friend's pens to do this and I really like the colours:)

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Also, if I have already posted this, I'm sorry. Like I said, losing my grip on reality:)))

How's quarantine going for you guys? You coping?

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