(74) Rolann

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Jesus Christ, I have a problem with making ocs. My new one is named Rolann (you can tell from the title), and she's a prequels/clone wars era Jedi padawan to Mace Windu. I'm actually writing stuff for her, so I'm not gonna go into too much detail, but she's from an outer rim planet and was basically sold to the Jedi temple. She has two main force quirk/abilities- first, her force signature is naturally calming and inviting to basically all forms of life, complex or no. Animals will come up to her on missions and she'll have to shoo them away, and when she's around more complex life forms (people, twi'leks, torgruta, Kel dor, brings like that who are more capable of complex thought), they're naturally calmed and become more... open, I guess? Relaxed? It's helpful when you're in the middle of a war and there's really no time to sleep or relax. Secondly, and I think this ties into her calming force signature, is that force ghosts are drawn to her and she can communicate with them. I'm thinking that one of her best friends is Qui-Gon, who gives her lightsaber pointers sometimes and she just chats with him, especially when she was an initiate. Again, I'm not gonna go into story details because I'm actually writing this out for once and I don't wanna spoil it, but it's gonna be up in my Ao3 under the same name:)

Anyways, this is what I think her 13-14 year old self would wear in the clone wars.

Anyways, this is what I think her 13-14 year old self would wear in the clone wars

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Edit: shit I forgot to colour her eyebrows.

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