(56) Iilajei- bird people

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So this is a drawing/concept of a tribe of bird-people-things-idk that I created. Basically, the bird people all called Ojirie and they live in communities/cities on mountains that are above the clouds (or just on large floating chunks of ground that are above the clouds). This OC is named Iilajei (ill-uh-jai) and she has white-silvery hair that waves around like there's very little gravity and medium-pale skin that gets kinda shiny at extremities and on her nose (like she was dipped in really fine glitter). Her wings are pale tan around her shoulders and then fade into warm white, then light warm gray with some gray tips (wingspan is 2.5 feet longer than her armspan). She also has a few feathers on the back of her hands, around her hairline and on the backs of her calves. Iilajei has a teeny lil' bit of aerokinesis and is really good as J'Dei taming/riding (basically large whales that swim around in the air) and is really good at climbing.
Enough exposition, here's the drawing!

(In case you're wondering I was too lazy to try and match the second wing so just image it's there)

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(In case you're wondering I was too lazy to try and match the second wing so just image it's there)

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