(67) Elpis

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So, this is a Star Wars: The Clone Wars oc that I made. The short of it is their name is Elpis (non-binary) and they're part of a race of ancient Force deities that lives thousands and thousands of years ago. From around 2700-2400 bby, there was a giant war between Elpis's people (who are like Jedi, but more lenient with relationships and just more chill in general, there's around 200 of them but they're wayyyyyy more powerful than Jedi) and a yin-yang flipside version that was basically like ancient sith. Giant 300 year war, bla de bla de bla, and around 2400 bby there's a giant battle in which all of Elpis's people and the ancient sith die, except the sith people had a contingency plan where if one of them died, their force power would get distributed across the remaining ancient sith, so the amount of power stays the same. Elpis, in a final bid to save the galaxy, trapped herself and the final sith, named Nova, in a little undetectable force bubble that exists outside of time and space. They basically stayed in that bubble, battling it out occasionally, but neither can kill the other. At around 1000 bby, Nova begins to break out and starts whispering to Darth Bane and guiding his hand in organizing the sith. Around, call it 26 bby, both of them break out but are very, very weak. Elpis goes to the temple and disguises herself as a nine year old force sensitive kid. They get taken on as mace Windu's padawan and really only talks to him; they usually spend all of their time training or reading up on the Jedi and trying to find out as much as they can about their people and what happened.

These are the three outfits I've made for Elpis already- from left to right it's pre-war casual, like what they'd wear every day, then middle is their armour from the first two-ish centuries, then they got "promoted" kinda, which cane with new armour, aka far right (it's unfinished obviously).

For other outfits, I'm probably going to make their millennia-in-a-Force-bubble outfit, which is probably just gonna be some of their second armour and underclothes, then their outfit that they showed up to the temple in as a little kid, then a pa...

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For other outfits, I'm probably going to make their millennia-in-a-Force-bubble outfit, which is probably just gonna be some of their second armour and underclothes, then their outfit that they showed up to the temple in as a little kid, then a padawan outfit or two, a clone wars semi-armoured outfit and then a full force deity superpowered look.

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