268 Days After

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Walking down 29th and Park

I saw you in another's arms

Hinata was walking towards the shop he and Kenma had agreed to meet at when he saw him.


Hinata froze, his body laced with tension. He swallowed, trying to bury the sense of dread growing in his gut. He looked around, but nobody noticed him acting weird. Of course, why would they?

Only a month we've been apart

You look happier

A month since they'd broken up, a month since they'd seen each other. It felt like so much longer to Hinata. It felt like years, everyday dragging on longer than the last. 

Kageyama was smiling, hand in hand with another. 

A sight Hinata never thought he would ever have to see. 

Saw you walk inside a bar

He said something to make you laugh

I saw that both your smiles were twice as wide as ours

Yeah, you look happier, you do

Things were so good for a while. Hinata was convinced they had gotten through their rough spot. They had trusted each other with everything, they were open with each other, they talked through their problems, everything should have worked out. 

There was no reason it didn't work. 

And yet one day, Kageyama had told him that he didn't love Hinata anymore. And he hadn't for while. 

Promise that I will not take it personal, baby

If you're moving on with someone new

'Cause baby you look happier, you do

Hinata couldn't believe what he had heard. Sure, Kageyama had been acting a little distant in the past few weeks, maybe months before. But that was nothing unusual. He had said that it was the depression, it was coming back. He was doubting himself, he wasn't sure of himself or anything around him.

But they were together. They would get through this, just as they always did. 

Maybe that's where Hinata had lost him. 

He hadn't been able to hold it together when Kageyama said he didn't love him anymore. 

First he panicked. He thought he had heard wrong. It couldn't be true, could it?

"I'm sorry, Hinata, I still care for you, how could I not? I just, I can't do this anymore. I haven't been invested in this relationship for a while now."

Hinata could hear the words like they'd just been spoken to him. 

Then Hinata had gotten angry. If he didn't love him, why didn't he tell him right when he realized, why did he drag him along for so long? Hinata had yelled at him, sobbing and hiccuping. Kageyama took all of it. He probably felt guilty. 

"I wanted to make sure. I couldn't back out on this relationship, I couldn't back out on you, not unless I was sure."


It took a long time for Hinata to stop hating him. He never really hated him, though. Under all the anger and the blame and the guilt, Hinata still loved Kageyama. He wanted him to be happy. 

But the thing that most bothered Hinata was that he worked for so long to help Kageyama, to help him be happy, and now there he was, being happy with someone else. 

Happier ~a kagehina fanfiction~Where stories live. Discover now