33 Days After

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Hinata had taken on another job. 

Not anything big, just one of his professors from the previous semester was getting a little overworked and had no TA, so he had told Hinata he would pay him if he helped grade papers and other menial things that he didn't have time for. Hinata had said yes, partly because he loved the professor, but also because Hinata wanted a reason to get out of the house. Sure, he could grade papers at home, but usually after class he would just go to a nearby coffee shop and work for a couple of hours. 

He told Kageyama it helped him focus, there were less distractions. 

He was being selfish, he knew that, but ever since the other night, Hinata hadn't been able to get away from his own thoughts, and it was even worse when he was around Kageyama. Kageyama seemed to have dropped the act mostly, and in return Hinata was trying to keep as much pressure off Kageyama as possible. He couldn't help but think that he was only causing more damage, though. He didn't know what to say and what not to say. 

And when he wasn't at home, he didn't need to think about that. 

So, Hinata rarely got home before 6. Kageyama almost always made dinner, and he was getting really good at cooking and said he didn't mind, but Hinata still felt bad. So he would wash the dishes and insist that he make breakfast in the morning. 

"You know, you don't have to be so obsessive about who cooks what and who washes dishes when, it all balances out eventually," Kageyama said that night. 

"I know." Hinata looked down in shame. Just another mistake on his part. "Yeah, I'm s-" He had to stop himself from apologizing. They had both agreed to stop, they didn't need to keep blaming each other or themselves for what was happening. "Yeah, okay. I just haven't been here all that much recently, and I don't want to leave everything up to you." 

"Yeah, but if you're really busy I want to make everything as easy as possible for you, okay Shoyo? I promise, I really don't mind," Kageyama leaned over and kissed Hinata on the cheek as he was scrubbing down the last plate. "Speaking of, you have been home a lot less recently. Is there anything I can do to help you?" 

"Just you being here is helping, Tobio," Hinata said. And it was the truth. No matter the inadequacy Hinata felt, it was nothing compared to when he didn't have Kageyama. Sometimes he had to remind himself of that. They were together, and that was the most important thing. 

"I know you wanted to make a little extra cash, but if the new gig is too much work I can ask my parents-"

"No," Hinata said sharply, then softened his tone, "That's really alright. Your parents do enough for us, plus I want to start adding more into savings. You know as well as I we can't be relying on your parents forever." 

"Yeah, I know. I just hate seeing you so stressed." Kageyama absentmindedly brushed his hand against Hinata's shirt sleeve.

"It's okay. Things will calm down eventually, trust me." Hinata smiled and took Kageyama's hand reassuringly. "Hey, I don't think I have anymore pressing work that needs to be done tonight, what do you say we watch a movie and just relax?"

"That sounds great." 


Kageyama was waiting on the couch when Hinata walked in with two bowls of ice cream. He picked an old favorite of theirs, Spirited Away, to watch. 

"Wait a second, I'm gonna change into more comfortable clothes," Kageyama said as Hinata set the bowls down of the coffee table. Kageyama disappeared into their bedroom and Hinata went into the bathroom to exchange his contacts for his simple circular-framed glasses. Kageyama liked to tell him he looked like Harry Potter with those glasses, and while Hinata agreed maybe they weren't the best for his face shape, they weren't that bad. 

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