Confide in Me

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Two Days Later


It's only been two days since the dinner with Carmen and her mother, and Carmen still has not spoken to me. I took her mother's advice that night at dinner and gave Carmen about twenty minutes to cool off before I went up to her room to discuss the situation with her. Not only did she cuss me out, but she tried to fight my ass. Ms. Knowles felt horrible and kept apologizing for Carmen's behavior and demeanor, but I knew there was something she wasn't telling me. She wanted to explain, but said she couldn't. So hopefully today Carmen can explain what the hell is going on with her. She texted me last night for the first time since Friday night to tell me to meet her at her house.

I pulled up outside of her house at around four o'clock. I would've been there earlier, but I had to sell a lil sumnthin sumnthin before I handled any personal business.

When I parked my car and turned the engine off, I sat comfortably in the driver's seat for a few minutes thinking about how this meeting with Carmen could go. She could open up to me and tell me something extremely personal or we could just break things off.

When I felt it was time to stop contemplating on the different possibilities of how this could turn out and see how it actually turns out, I got out my car and went up to the front door. I rung the bell and looked around, waiting for Carmen to answer the door.

"Oh, hello Shawn." I heard.

When I heard the voice, my heart jumped. I quickly turned my head to see Ms. Knowles in some black Ivy Park leggings, a white t-shirt with a glass of wine in her right hand.

I cleared my throat, nervous and tempted by my Girlfriend's fine ass mother.

"Hello, Ms. Knowles. I didn't hear you open the door."

She giggled. "I figured, that's why you looked at me like a deer caught in headlights. Come on in." She waved me inside her home.

"Thank you." I spoke as I walked inside. I slyly stared Ms. Knowles down as she had her back to me, shutting the front door.

"What are you doing here, Shawn?" She questioned, turning to me.

She took a sip of wine and I rubbed my hands together. "Carmen told me to meet her here so we could talk. Is she not here?" I asked.

She shook her head. "No she is not, baby. She didn't tell you she wasn't here?"

I guess I should've felt a type of way when she called me baby, but I didn't. I felt secure, protected and loved in a way. It was a sincere, motherly endearment type of thing.

"Nah, I mean no." I corrected myself.

She smirked at me and shook her head. "You don't have to alter your speech for me, Shawn. It's okay."

I exhaled. Finally an adult outside of my family who accepts me for who I am. I have to admit, I didn't think Carmen's mother would take to me too well, but now that I know her mother is Beyoncé Knowles, I can't say I'm surprised. Ms. Knowles has always been a kind, down to earth person from what everyone who has met her has said about her.

"I don't know what time she'll get here, but you're welcome to wait in her room." She spoke before walking off.

"Wait." I called out to her, but she never ceased her walking. I jogged up behind her and shoved my hands in my pocket. "What have you been up to? I see you got your wine going." I chuckled.

"Yeah, just thinking and relaxing." She said as we walked down a never-ending hallway. I took in my surroundings and of all the pictures of Carmen as a child and her baby pictures with her mother.

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