Forbidden Love

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Houston High


I stood up out of my chair and walked around to the front of my desk. Leaning on it, I got comfortable as I waited for the second bell to ring, signaling that students would be late after that. I looked around my classroom at the students gossiping, laughing, scrolling on their phones and relaxing with their heads down on the desks.

As the second bell sounded, I clapped my hands, about to make my announcement when one of my brightest students walked in.

"Morning, Ms. Pete." I smiled as she made her way into the classroom.

"Morning." She mumbled with her head down. She made her way to the back of the class and claimed an empty seat by the window. I frowned, because that was extremely unusual. Everyone that knows Megan, knows that she sits in the front. She's one of the students who actually pays attention to the lessons the most and takes amazing notes. I made a mental note to ask if she's doing okay after class.

"Alright class." I clapped my hands together before pushing my body off of my desk. "I hope you all had a good weekend, but I want those papers that were due today out on your desk please, so I can collect them. Pass your papers up to the first person in your row." I spoke as student's started sighing and shuffling through their things, mainly the ones who didn't fulfill the assignment.

"Aht aht, I don't want to hear it. I gave y'all two weeks, TWO! Some of my coworkers don't even give y'all that much time." I chuckled as I went to each first front row desk, collecting the papers.

"Maaan Ms. Knowles, you sure that was due today?" The class clown, Reggie, asked me, pretending to dig into his empty ass backpack.

I rolled my eyes, laughing. "Yes, I'm sure. Turn it in tomorrow, but you lose ten points. The highest score you could get is a 90, IF it is an excellent paper." I spoke, looking at him.

"Aight, I gotchu Ms. Knowles. Thanks for looking out, might have to give you a lil sumnthin sumnthin' for helping me out." He licked his lips.

"Boy! I don't want none of that bootleg shit that you try to call weed, that you be selling."

The class started laughing and I smiled at him.

"Don't play me like that Ms. K, my shit is top notch."

"Yeah, alright." I nodded my head, not believing a word he said.

"But I was talking about somethin' else." He bit his lip and sniffed before putting his hand on his crotch and pulling on his jeans.

"You wanna play with me Reginald Simms?" I sternly asked him.

The class erupted into laughter while he sunk down in his seat, embarrassed. He stayed silent and after I gathered the last stack of papers, I headed to my desk.

"I thought so Reginald, now, let's start the lesson." I spoke, dropping the papers onto my desk.

I turned around to my whiteboard and grabbed my black expo marker, writing on the board. Hopefully this class goes by quickly.

Seventy-five Minutes Later

"Alright class, I'll see you on Wednesday. Do the homework pleaseeeee, some of y'all grades are slippin'. Homework is an easy way to get an A or keep an A." I announced as the bell dismissed the students to their next class.

The students gathered their things and left out the classroom. I noticed Megan at her desk, shoving her notebook and pencil into her bag before trying to leave the class. I waited until the last student, besides Megan, left before I went to my room door and closed it, leaning my back against it.

"Ms. Pete." I spoke as she was looking down at her phone, power walking to the door, not realizing that I closed it.

She looked up at me and sighed when she saw me guarding the door.

"What's wrong with you today?" I asked her, genuinely concerned.

"Nothing Ms. Knowles, I promise." She tried to reassure me, but I could see right through her.

"So you're just gonna lie to my face." I asked, staring into her eyes. She shifted her weight to one foot and pushed her bag up more on her shoulder, tearing her eyes from mine. I watched as her demeanor changed and she looked down at the tile flooring.

"Megan, tell me what's up. Please, you're one of the best students I've ever had in my teaching career. I know when something is wrong with you, I only want to help." I spoke, grabbing her chin so she could look at me. "I know your mother just passed away and I'm terribly sorry Megan."

She nodded her head and I watched as her eyes watered and filled with tears. Without needing a verbal confirmation, I pulled her into a strong hug and grabbed the back of her head, pushing her more into me as she cried. I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself and not get emotional also.

"I know it's not okay Megan, but it will get easier over time, I promise." I whispered into her ear while rubbing her back trying to soothe her. We stood in that position for a few minutes, me trying to speak some encouraging words to her. I know it's been rough for her lately. She's been real out of it, she doesn't dress up like she used to and isn't acting like her usual bubbly, positive self.

"Stop crying Meg, please. It hurts me to see you like this, but if you ever need to talk, you know I'm here." I spoke, stepping back from her, looking at her wet face and red, puffy eyes. "Okay?"

She nodded her head and wiped her face of tears and sniffled.

"Thank you Ms. Knowles."

"Of course darlin'. Now go wipe your face and get to your next class, alright?"

She nodded her head and I watched her leave my classroom, closing the door behind her. Poor girl. I know she's been holding that in for a few days. I really wish I could do more to help her. Maybe I can take her under my wing. I want to see Megan succeed and I will do anything to make sure that happens.

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