Chapter 11. The final act of sabotage

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Recap: You found the Code SH. Now you are planing an assault to launch on the harbor.

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Franz Messerschmitt: If I place a few surprises on the cliffs over looking the port, then they will think that I have friends helping me Ja? (yes?). The three 25 pound charges will be planted on the K.M.S. Graf Zeppelin. All will be placed on her hull. Next, I will make some rockets out of explosives I have made and then tie it to a stick with string. Motors will be placed near these rocket launchers, I will make a one time use so they can't capture them for studying. Then, I will make some small catapults and fill them up with Molotov Cocktails. A total of 5 will be made. I will strike two days from now, because I will need time to make these weapons.

You leave the Code SH and the cave and set out to find materials to craft your new weapons of destruction. But you still have the Nambu Type 2 with a suppressor attached to still at your disposal. Ready to shoot and kill anyone and everyone that dares to challenge you.

Franz Messerschmitt: I can use branches as an arrow for the toys that will fly by the many and explode on impact with their target. But I still need something to use as string.

You continue to wonder around the forest in search of something useful. Then you notice some dead vines and grab them.

Franz Messerschmitt: I can use these as fuses for the explosive tipped arrows, and the live ones as string because the live ones still have water inside of them. And water is always the enemy of a fire.

You grab all of the dead vines and pull out your knife to cut them. You set them down and begin to carve the sticks into much thinner branches and attach the explosive tipped pieces to the arrows and pull the string through the explosive and attach it to the explosive detonator. After that, you wrap it with the live lines but don't cut them. After 3 hours of making arrows, you have 300 in your weaponry.

Franz Messerschmitt: The arrows are set, now I have to make the three rocket launchers. I have already calculated their position and angles for each one. I know, I'll make them out of wood and each launcher will have 100 holes in it. I will also many spears that can fit into these launchers.

You look around the forest and find some old planks with nails in them. So, you take them and begin to nail them together. After that, you place the launchers on their assigned cliffs and angle them towards barrels full of oil.

Franz Messerschmitt: **punches the last hole in the wood** There, 3 rocket launchers with 100 holes each. Now I have to make the catapults and motors. Oh wait, I can just throw the motor bombs at them. One less thing I have to craft. I will call it a night.

You go back to the cave and sleep. When you wake up in the morning, you immediately leave the cave to begin the construction of the catapults.

Franz Messerschmitt: What will I use to make these catapults? Their size while have to be small but big enough to launch the Molotov Cocktails at the harbor.

You continue to think until you come across an old bridge.

Franz Messerschmitt: **notices the bridge** Maybe three will be fine. **tears a plank off** Just enough to make three.

You continue to tear the planks off and reach the support beams. You grab the support beams and drag them to the cliffs. You start to construct the catapults and hide them in the shades of trees. You also bring the Molotov Cocktails with you and set them down in a hole you have dug.

Franz Messerschmitt: Everything is ready, now, time to eat. **heads back to the cave**

You crawl back down to Code SH and open a can of Pork Beef mixed with carrots. You eat the whole can and drink some water.

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