Chapter 13. The trial of Franz Messerschmitt

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Recap: You have been captured, now you are being trailed for the damage you have caused.

Bismarck: You will be trailed tomorrow. Every faction will be there, so I suspect you to behave okay?

Franz Messerschmitt: Why? I'm a dead man either way.

She is shocked from your reply.

Bismarck: What makes you think that?

Franz Messerschmitt: On the run, insults, sabotage, sinking merchant ships, and the list goes on and on and on.

Bismarck: I see, well I wish you luck in your trail.

Bismarck's view

Bismarck's Thoughts: I feel bad for him, but he is still a criminal. But I get this weird feeling when I'm around him. I will ask Commander Erika what this feeling is after his trail.

One day later

You are currently dress in a black SS Officer uniform. Only wearing the The Knight's Cross of The Iron Cross with Golden Oak Leaves, Swords, and Diamonds. They are now walking you to the court room.

Tirpitz: Alright everyone, please remain quiet. The trail will begin in a few minutes.

Bismarck: Schwester, the trail begins now. (sister,).

Tirpitz: Understood Schwester. (sister.).

They bring you up to the front and sit you down in a chair.

Queen Elizabeth: I am Queen Elizabeth, the Queen and pride of the Royal Navy.

???: I am Enterprise, pride of the Eagle Union.

Nagato: I am Lady Nagato, pride of the Sakura Empire.

Bismarck: I am Lord Bismarck, pride of the Iron Blood. Your trail begins now. You have been convicted of multiple crimes against the Azur Lane alliance.

Hood: May I your honor?

Queen Elizabeth: **nods her head**

Bismarck: Yes you may.

Hood: On the 5th of April, 1946, an He-111 was shoot down over the Queen's land. Taking down some 57 Spitfires before going down. It should also be noted that this aircraft was a specially modified bomber. With extra fuel tanks, powerful guns, and also carried bombs on board. On that day, the bomber dropped it's payload on the H.M.S. Belfast.

Franz Messerschmitt: **raises up and clears throat** He-111 number 2576 was shot down that day. I was aboard with 12 other crew members. Before we ditched our bombs, AA fire from the Belfast opened up on my aircraft, so we had a reason to drop our payload on her. After the bombs fell, the squadron of Spitfires began to open fire on my plane. Therefore, we have a reason to shoot back. For as, the Royal Navy engaged us first without a warning. After the landing and running away, a jet came in and kill the last crew member other than me.

Bismarck: The Royal's engaged first without warning?

Franz Messerschmitt: Ja. (Yes.)

Bismarck: I am aware that there are no witnesses on your side here. But reports show that this was done. Nothing further.

You sit back down and wait for something else to fight back with.

Hood: He also committed multiple acts of sabotage against the Queen's navy. Even sniping some of the ship girls in the harbor.

Bismarck: Do you have any proof Ms. Hood?

Hood: Yes, may I your honor?

Bismarck: Yes you may.

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