Chapter 7. The sabotage of the harbor

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Recap: You have escaped the hands of your enemy. Now you strike the heart of their navy.

Back to present

It has been two weeks since you've escaped capture. You are currently on a cliff over looking the harbor.

Franz Messerschmitt: **binoculars** Hmmm, the Akagi, Kaga, Hiryuu, and Taihou are docked here. The Kongou, Ise, Fusou, Mikasa, and Hiei are docked here. I will plant charges on the citadel of the battleships, the remaining larger charges will be planted on the Akagi's oil room, elevator one, elevator two, and two inside of the hangers next to the bombs ad torpedo's. Any remaining larger charges will be planted along side the hull of the Hiryuu. Timed fuses will be set to nothing because I can snipe these charge from the cliff, giving me time to plant some smaller charges on supply crates, ammo boxes, aircraft, ships in for maintenance, oil holders, and on the dock.

You hop off of the cliff and grab a root on the side of the cliff. Then you climb and slide your way down from the cliff.

Some 5 minutes later

You are currently placing 15 large charges on the citadels of the Kongou, Ise, Fusou, Mikasa, and Hiei. Making sure that the fuses are set to an hour and a half's time.

Franz Messerschmitt: **setting the charge up** Connect the red and blue wire to the main wire. Done. Now for the Akagi. But, there are some supple crates and what not here.

You sneak over to crates. But a search light swings around, causing you to leap behind the crates.

Franz Messerschmitt: **leaps** That was to close. **places a non-time bomb on the pull of crates** I can shoot this from atop the cliff due to the angle given. When the light swings back around, I'll make dash for those oil barrels.

You study the light and calculate that you have 7 seconds to run to the barrels before the light swings back around.

**light swings to the right**

Franz Messerschmitt: Now. **runs to the barrels**

You throw yourself against the barrels quietly.

Franz Messerschmitt: **groans** A 5 pound dynamite stick should do the job. **places the dynamite stick in between the barrels** Hey, I can throw this over stick of dynamite into those Flak shells. **throws the stick into the boxes full of Flak shells** Now for the Akagi.

After the search light swings around, you gain some 50 feet of ground in one sprint.

Franz Messerschmitt: **breathing** Come on, swing it around again. **notices the power box** That could also work. **pulls out a throwing knife** Now. **throws the knife into the box** Direct hit mate.

All but one of the search towers lose power, leaving one tower to search the area until the power is restored. In the mean time, you sprint, crouch walk, and crawl your way over to the Akagi. Once you are on board, you place even more charges.

Franz Messerschmitt: **crawling** A fifteen pound explosive should blow the elevators right out of their shafts. **drilling in the explosive** Time fuse should be an hour. Done, now for the other elevator. **crawls over to the elevator**

When you have finished placing the 3 fifteen pound charges on the deck, you sneak down into the elevator.

Franz Messerschmitt: I have never been inside a carrier this large before. I can see why the Japanese were so desperate to save her during the Battle of Midway Island. **looks at the sign** Left and down should be hanger one.

You continue to sneak over to the first hanger. When you arrive, the bombs and torpedo's are in separate places in the hanger. So, you push the torpedo's and bombs around into a line to cause a chain reaction to the charge detonating.

Franz Messerschmitt: **plants the charge onto the 2,000 pound bomb** Now for the second hanger. But I will place for fifteen smaller charges in the halls every 10 feet.

You sneak out of the first hanger and plant charges in the halls of the Akagi while sneaking over to the second hanger.

Franz Messerschmitt: **plants a five pound charge at the door** Bingo, the second hanger.

You do the same thing with the second hanger, rearranging the bombs and torpedo's into a line for a chain reaction to the charge detonating. Once you plant the fifteen pound charge on the 2,000 pound bomb, you walk out of the Akagi's lower decks and sneak off of the ship her self.

Franz Messerschmitt: The Hiryuu is next. Hey, another power box. **throws a knife into the box** Less power, more darkness. Giving me the advantage. 

You crouch walk to the Hiryuu, all the while still using crates as cover. Just in case the power is restored. After some 3 minutes of sneaking around, you find the Hiryuu and plant your presents on her hall.

Franz Messerschmitt: **plants the charge** Alright, now time to get out of here. Which is also why I am wearing a wet suit over my clothes. But I will plant the rest of my explosives around the dock.

After some 20 minutes of planting charges and sneaking around, you get into the water and swim back to the cliff.

Franz Messerschmitt: **takes off the wet suit** I'm back. **checks his wrist watch** 11:00 o'clock, perfect timing. **picks up his Arisaka Type 97 sniper rifle** I will aim for the Hiryuu, because the smoke has a good chance to block my view. I will also shoot when the charges go off, suppressing the noise from the gun when I fire.

The charges you plant on the battleships go off as you finish that line.


Franz Messerschmitt: NOW!!!



Franz Messerschmitt: Perfect. Now the boxes.





Franz Messerschmitt: The Flak shells of course.




The air raid Sirens go off and the dock is ablaze from the 200-250 pounds of explosions you have crafted, stolen, found in the Code SH, and etc. You stay on the cliff and snipe some of the girls rushing to the harbor.

Franz Messerschmitt: **reloads with a stripper clip and closes the bolt** Which one first? I will only use 1 plus the clip in the gun to snipe some of the girls.

You decide to shoot Fumizuki first, because she is alone and nobody will see you fire at her.


???: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! (one of extreme pain).

Franz Messerschmitt: How about submarine I-19, ja? (yes?).


Both of your shots hit their mark.

I-19: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! (one of extreme pain).

You shoot an untouched ammo box and it detonates on impact.



After shooting I-19, Fumizuki, Mikasa, Noshiro, I-56, I-25, Ryuuhou, Tanikaze, and etc. You flea from the cliff and back to the forest. You arrive in the Code SH, call it mission accomplished, and go to sleep.


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