Chapter 3. The safe house, the run, and the great escape

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Recap: You placed charges in the harbor and have caused severe to the Queen's Navy by detonating key ammo storage's in the main harbor and severely damaged the Ark Royal.

Back to present

It has been  two months since the your first act of sabotage. You have conducted many more acts and used bullets to snipe bombs out on decks and loading bays. Basically sniping explosives and oil to cause damage. You have ran out of food, water, explosives, supplies, and bullets. Minus whatever is left in the magazine of the Lee-Enfield. So you wait for night time and study the map about the trail. Then you notice an opening behind some debris. You remove the debris and see that it is the secret exit out of the cave.

Some 5 hours later

Franz Messerschmitt: This safe room has lasted me 2 months, if I continue this with the other two safe houses, then I can continue my rain of terror and revenge for another 4 months. Now it is time to move out, ja? (yes).

You grab the Lee-Enfield and the last hand grenade and escape the cave.

Franz Messerschmitt: So, according to the map, there is a TS/TN some 200 paces along the trail.

Mark Wayne Windle: Codes

Code TS/TN: Tunnel system/ Tunnel network

Franz Messerschmitt: The night is quit, just like it always was, before the Sirens attacked.

You continue to walk quietly through the woods along the hidden trail. Taking in every moment.


**owl call**

**owl call echos**

Franz Messerschmitt: **sighs** The forest of Britain.

**fox howl**

**fox howl echos**

Franz Messerschmitt: I hope the foxes aren't shadowing me. Hmmm? **looks at the map** So, it should be around here some where.

You look around and notice rocks around in the shape of an x

Franz Messerschmitt: Bingo was his name oh.

You remove the underbrush and it reveals a hole with a lantern inside and a note.

Franz Messerschmitt: **picks up the lantern and note**

Note: Dear Franz,

We are proud of you, if you have made it this far, then the system is here. All it takes is a punch to the face.

Franz Messerschmitt: Riddles, my families fame. Wait, a punch to the face.

You look at the wall and it has a small faded face on it.

Franz Messerschmitt: Of course, a punch to the face. **punches the dirt wall**

As the wall falls, there is a tunnel behind it.

Franz Messerschmitt: Here goes nothing I guess.

You light the lantern and craw into the tunnel. When you are half way there, the tunnel is craved in. Or is it?

Franz Messerschmitt: **punches the wall** Yep, all it takes is a punch to the face.

You continue to craw through the tunnel.


Franz Messerschmitt: I can hear above me.

You take in the tunnels view from the inside. The bottom is solid dirt while the roof is also solid dirt, roots, and rocks. You continue to drag yourself through the tunnel, you hit your head on some roots but shrug it off. 

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