The doctor

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Another errink one, get used to it.
Also, asylumverse is a thing I think I made up, I looked around and I don't think it exists so yeah don't get offended.

Ink's eyes flickered open, blinding him to the raw scenery of the bright room he was in. He sat up, drowsiness taking over his body and making him dizzy, looks like the drugs hasn't worn out completely yet.

He sighed, looking over to the clock on the light blue wall. It was 10:27 am, Dream will come soon and then he can get breakfast.
Ink sighed again, fiddling with the velcro straps that held his wrists and ankles to the white bed, he hated it but at the same time, Doctor Error said that he'd really appreciate if he didn't hurt himself anymore so he has to, anything for him.

Ink looked back at the clock, 10:30 am. Dream will be here any moment now, Ink wanted out. He hated the bed, the drugs, the food, the...what was he thinking? Ah yes, but he would put up with it for Doctor Error.

The clear door opened to dream holding a tray with a plate of porridge for breakfast and a white bottle of pills.
Ink looked at Dream in the sockets, struggling to get out of the bed.

Dream smiled warmly and placed the tray on a nearby table, shutting the door and walking to Ink.
"did you sleep well, love?" dream asked, unfastening the strap on ink's left wrist.
Ink immediately grasped for Dream, who backed away.

"now, now, we have to wait, ok?" dream said. Ink whined in protest but let the caretaker do his job.
dream went for the other wrist, doing the same thing and then moving down to ink's ankles, unlocking them.

Ink sprung off the bed and pounced on Dream, who hugged Ink back.
"what day?" Ink asked not letting go from his friend.
"hmm well let's see, it was Tuesday yesterday when you asked me so....?"
"Wednesday!" Ink cheered.
"yes, and what does that mean?" Dream chuckled.
"I see my friends!"
"you see your friends." dream repeated. "now, how about we have breakfast, yeah?"

~time skip~

Ink held dream's hand as they walked down the hall and into the cafeteria. There were different tables set up, one for sculpture making, one for songs, one for legos...and ink wasn't interested in any others.

Sometimes if he were lucky, Doctor Error would be there and he would give Ink and his friends some coloured pencils and paper but Doctor Error only came when Ink was ill, and Ink knew that. He didn't like it when Doctor Error wasn't there.
Ink walked over to a small metal table in the corner of the room and sat down at it.

"Ok ink, you stay here and I'll go get your friends."
Ink nodded, not listening to Dream as he walked out of the room.
Ink looked down at his hands, he wanted Doctor Error, but that won't happen unless he...what was happening? Ah right, Ink had to get ill...but how?

Ink looked up to the camera, usually, a guy would call Doctor Error if anyone did anything bad, so ink just has to be naughty, right?
Ink stood up. How exactly will be he naughty? He could no ink could never hurt someone, could he?

"Ink!" Blue yelled as he ran down the room and onto Ink.
"hi.." ink mumbled, trying to push blue off him, however blue just held on tighter.
"stop." ink tried once more but to no avail.
"Blue, can you please let go of Ink?" Dream asked and blue did as he was told.

Ok good, now, how can Ink get Doctor Error's attention?
"Ink are you ok?" Dream asked.
Ink just nodded.
Dream sighed and then frowned.
"Ink if you need anything I'm here." Dream said, worry in his voice. Usually, ink is more bouncy and happy to see his friends.

Ink sighed and looked over to dream who was at the cooking table with blue.
"time." ink mumbled hoping dream world notice but he never.
"time." ink said again.
after a few more mumbles he gave up and decided on another way of getting the attention he wanted.
He closed his eyes and he shrieked.

"oh Ink!" dream said, running over to Ink.
Ink didn't stop, even after he felt Dream grab his shoulders.
"Ink! What is it?! Does something hurt?! Do you want something?!"
Ink stopped as soon as he heard that.
"y-you want something?" dream repeated, Ink nodded his head.
"time." Ink whispered.
"Ink, that's rude you can't just grab my attention by screaming, there are people here who are sensitive!" Dream scolded and sighed, looking down at his watch.
"The time is 11:30."

'well, ' Ink thought, 'dream hates me.'
Ink looked to another table, there was a bottle of pills just sitting there, waiting for someone to be naughty.
He walked over to it, picking it up and looking at it.
The bottle was white but it rattled in Ink's hand.
"Ink can you come over here please?" Dream asked, rolling out some doh for blue.
ink ignored him and opened the bottle, pouring the white pills into his hand.
"Ink what are you- INK NO!" Ink heard Dream start running so he did the same.

Ink was high on adrenaline, he was excited that he was being bad but also he wasn't scared, he liked it, he loved being naughty and soon Doctor Error will come and Ink will see him. Ink ran down the hall and pasted his room, he heard more footsteps follow him other than just dream's.
Ink didn't look back, not until he heard that sweet, deep voice of Doctor Error.

"INK!" Dream yelled pouncing on top of Ink.
"NO!" Ink yelled grabbing Dream's arm and snapping his ulna.
Dream screamed in pain, getting Ink's attention and snapping him out of the state he was in.

Dream retreated, grabbing his arm in pain.
"I-" Ink started but was cut off by a deep, sweet voice.
"Ink what did you do?"
Ink turned around, guilt on his face. "I- I didn't...I didn't w-want to hurt...I didn't mean to...I-"
Error sighed, bending down and picking Ink up.
"That wasn't a nice thing to do Ink." Error stated, turning and walking away from the scene.
Ink dropped the bottle and pills on the cold floor, making a clinking sound after.

"look, since Dream a bit of a state, " Ink cut Error off by giggling. "It looks as if you'll have to be put with me."
"But you don't live here."
"Oh right, well then, you'll have to stay here, alllllll alone." Error faked.
"grow up!" Ink giggled.
"Look Ink, how do you feel about coming home with me tonight?"
"Id love to!!"

To be continued.....?

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