Lie #25: Homeschoolers have Snow Days

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Please read the author’s note at the end because this is the last lie of the book.

Dedicated to @Tasper_the_ghost for for being the last to comment and vote for this book! Thank you so much!

Lie #25: Homeschoolers have Snow Days

You’d think that one of the disadvantages of being homeschooled is that when it’s a blizzard outside and all the other kids get the day off school, you still have to do school. However, if you look at this from a different perspective, you might find that your thoughts have changed and that it’s actually an advantage of being homeschooled. Let’s do just that.

There are quite a few days that public schoolers get off from school. Memorial day, presidents day, and other random holidays. They also get off if say, its teacher’s day or I don’t know, just random reasons. Us homeschoolers don’t always take off those random holidays and we don’t have teacher’s day.

Sure, we go on break for Christmas and Thanksgiving. And we’ll take the day off if it’s our birthday. But we’re still studying hard when everybody else gets the day off for snow days.

Now correct me if I’m mistaken, but public schoolers have to make up snow days if they exceed a certain amount of days. These days are usually just added to the end of the year. So if it’s a particularly snowy winter and they take say, 15 snow days, that’s 15 more days of their summer taken away from them.

And for those of you people living somewhere it’s hot and doesn’t snow, well you suck. Because you don’t get snow days. But you get a longer summer break, which is pretty amazing.

I’d honestly rather have the day off school when it’s nice outside and not freezing cold. I know some homeschooled families who finish their school for the year the first week of May. Crazy right?

But there’s the advantage. Homeschoolers get off school earlier instead of having to go till nearly July. We get a long summer vacation. In fact, my younger sisters are still on school break from Thanksgiving. I’m not, but still. Thanksgiving was over a week ago! So they’ve had like 7 days off school while the public schools only had 3 days off.

It’s because they did extra school a few weeks ago so they could have a longer break. I already talked about how homeschoolers can do extra school in a previous chapter, so I won’t go on a rant about that yet again.

But the point of this last lie ever, is that homeschoolers don’t have snow days. (Although, my mom has let us have one or two throughout the years.) The point is whatever you want it to be really. Whatever you get out of this chapter is the point. This --> ( . ) is also the point .

Homeschoolers can have sick days, yet still have a perfect attendance record.

Homeschoolers never get points off for being tardy.

Homeschoolers never get detention.

Homeschoolers never ________ (fill in the blank)

And NOW, I present you with 25 Lies about Homeschoolers:

Lie #1: Homeschoolers have NO friends or Social Life

Lie #2: Homeschoolers Do School in Their Pajamas

Lie #3: Homeschoolers are BFFL with their Siblings

Lie #4: Homeschooled and Awkward are Synonyms

Lie #5: Homeschoolers are Candor ALL the time

Lie #6: Homeschoolers are Smarter than Albert Einstein

Lie #7: There are NO Homeschoolers on Wattpad

Lie #8: Homeschoolers Dress is Old Fashioned, Pioneer Type Clothes

Lie #9: Homeschoolers are Homeschooled… For College

Lie #10: Homeschoolers are Luckier than Public Schoolers

Lie #11: Homeschoolers don’t have a Principal

Lie #12: All Homeschoolers have HUGE Families

Lie #13: Homeschooler aren’t Ready for ‘Real Life’

Lie #14: Homeschoolers only want to be Friends with other Homeschoolers

Lie #15: Homeschoolers are as Gradeless as Grade A Eggs

Lie #16: Homeschoolers are at Church 24/7

Lie #17: Homeschoolers Love School More than they Love Life

Lie #18: Homeschoolers are Mental or have “Problems”

Lie #19: When People Mention Drama, Homeschoolers say WHAT?!

Lie #20: Homeschoolers are Nearly Invisible

Lie #21: Homeschooler’s Parents are so Strict they Can’t even Watch PG Movies

Lie #22: It’s a Party all Day Every Day

Lie #23: Homeschoolers are So Poor they can’t even Afford Porridge

Lie #24: Homeschoolers Abort Sports

Lie #25: Homeschoolers have Snow Days



This was the last lie for this book *cries* I honestly had no idea what to write, so this is what came of it. I know, it’s not my best chapter, but I just don’t want to end this book, so I was holding off writing this all day and the result- a crappy chapter.

So I mentioned previously that I’ll have chapters after all the lies, sort of like bonus chapters in a way. I don’t know what to call them. But anyways, they’ll basically be me telling you more information about homeschooling. You guys can message me questions about homeschooling and I will answer them in this book. I’ll be making one about how to convince your parents to let you homeschool, because I’ve had so many people ask me that. I might make one about how to get started with homeschooling. I don’t know exactly, but there’ll be about 5 of these. And I’ll just upload them on Fridays, as usual. So keep this book in your library!

Ok… I guess this is the end. Last question for you guys… If you had the choice, would you be homeschooled? And if you already are homeschooled, would you want to change this?

Honestly, I would stay homeschooled. I used to want to go to public school, but I’m already half-way done with high-school so it’d be pointless to switch to public school now. And I enjoy homeschooling.

Thank you for reading this book. I know it's a bit weird, and very different from all the other books on this site. I had so much fun writing all the different chapters and while I wish I could let this book go on forever, that's unrealistic, and it has to end at some point. I will be starting a new book on my account, an actual story, so follow me so you'll know when I upload it. That'll probably be a few weeks after Christmas.

<3 Ashlyn

PS. I would love it if one of you guys wrote a book like this, but instead had lies about public schoolers or lies about private schoolers. Just dedicate it to me and make sure you say you got the idea from me. Also tag it #AwKwardhoMeschooler and I will definitely read it!


Accomplishments at the moment that this chapter was posted (9:30ish PM on a Friday night, 12/15/14):

 Reads- 37,894; Votes- 2,278; Comments- 2,029 #7 in Non-Fiction (11-19-14) #171 in Humor (11-19-14)

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