Lie #12: All Homeschoolers have HUGE Families

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Lie #12: All Homeschoolers have HUGE Families

If you have read the previous chapter, you would know that I am part of a pretty big family. I’m the second child out of 5 girls and 1 boy. And wouldn’t you know it, we’re all homeschooled. So many people think that if you’re homeschooled, alas, you must have a huge family. However, that is not always the case.

First let’s clarify what a big family is.

If there’s only 1 kid, then obviously that’s not big.

2… eh, that’s still a pretty small family.

And with 3 kids, the whole family can fit in a small car so no, I don’t think that’s big yet.

But once you get to 4 kids, you’ll need a minivan for family trips, etc. Only then, is it a big family. Six people, four of them kids.

However, once you’re up to more than 8 kids, THEN you have a HUGE family. That’s 10 people!!

Okay. Hopefully we are all on the same page now. Let’s continue.

I’ll be honest. Most homeschoolers actually are a part of a rather large family. I even know one family with ten kids! But usually it’s around four or five kids.

And I honestly don’t understand why it’s this way because with homeschooling, everyone stays at home and usually the mom teaches everyone. So why would a homeschooling family have more kids? It’s just more work, money, and stress overall for the parents.

I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s because our parents are crazy. It’s the only sensible reason. Either they’re crazy for wanting so many kids or they weren’t trying for kids and just got pregnant over and over again.

Either way, they’re crazy.

But quite a few of my homeschooled friends have rather small families.  And that’s definitely not abnormal at all.

Just as you probably know some public schoolers with big families and some public schoolers with small families, it’s the same way for homeschoolers.

As I said before, most homeschoolers have families with about 4 kids. And did you know that the average family size is 5 people, 3 of them kids? Surprisingly, homeschoolers just average one kid more.

So don’t go thinking we’re crazy and that life’s a big party for us everyday. Although it’s crazy at times - okay pretty much all the time – I still love having a big family and wouldn’t change it in the end.

Hello people! I need more ideas for this book!! So please, if you have any questions about the life of a homeschooler or think I’ve forgotten something, let me know! If I like your ideas, I will definitely dedicate a chapter to you! Oh and could you kindly hit that vote button?

Next Update: July 5th

<3 Ashlyn

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