Lie #1: Homeschoolers Have NO Friends or Social Life

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Dedicated to Clare 2013 for being the first to comment and vote for this book! Thank you so much Clare!

Lie #1: Homeschoolers Have NO Friends or Social Life

Hahahahaha!!! Hahahaha!!!!! Omgsh, I almost died right there! Okay, so you think that homeschoolers have no friends, right? Wrong!

This has to be the biggest lie out of them all. While homeschoolers don't get to see their friends every single day, they still have just as many friends as other kids do.

Public schoolers are mostly friends with other public schoolers, and homeschoolers are mostly friends with other homeschoolers. Makes sense right? But how do homeschoolers meet other homeschoolers?

Well, most homeschooled families take part in a group with other homeschooled families. They go on fieldtrips together and sometimes even meet together to take classes taught by legit teachers. Some of these groups have hundreds of members, while others consist of only a few families.

Did you know that some homeschoolers do their school online, through the computer? Yeah, and they participate in a virtual classroom, that has an actual real life teacher writing on a virtual board. They can ask and answer questions, send in assignments, and do pretty much everything that public schoolers do in their classes. This is another way that homeschoolers find friends.

There’s more homeschoolers than you think, and over the past few years, they’ve been rapidly growing in number. Before you know it, you’ll probably have a couple of homeschooled friends if you don't already.

City sports, summer camps, youth groups, church, city activities, and through their friends, are some of the ways that homeschoolers meet and friend new people.

You’ll be surprised to find that a lot homeschoolers are just as social as and sometimes even more social than someone who goes to public or private school.

So the next time somebody tells you that they’re homeschooled, please don’t ask them if they have any friends. It's rude and such a stupid question. Instead, ask them if you can be their friend.


Yeah, I know, stupidest ending line ever at the end, but hey, I'm a naturally stupid person, so we're all good.

If you are not homeschooled, please vote and add this book to your library so that you can learn more about homeschoolers. And if you have any questions, well ask away!

If you are homeschooled, follow me and comment about those awkward experiences where somebody has asked you if you have any friends.

<3 Ashlyn

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