Tag 19 = A Tag (where Candy sorta/kinda gushes over Danny Smith)

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I was tagged by CaptainWinterSpider1 to do this tag, and it's late, and I'm bored, so let's do this!

1. Do you care about what other people think about you?

Not really

2. What is your middle name?


3. Favorite sport?

Don't have one.

4. Best friend?

I don't really have one. I mean, there's my friend Shania, but I don't see her very often as we don't live in the same area, and she's busy with two young kids.

Though close Wattpad friend is thatonekellicshipper even if we don't talk much these days.

5. Someone you can't live without?

Uh... no idea tbh....

6. Nickname?


7. Cute or sexy?


8. Preferred pronouns?

She/her, but I don't really care

9. Anyone asked you out?


10. Do you believe in soulmates?

Not really, though they're kinda fun to write about

11. Pet peeves


Dog earing books

Honestly I don't really know....

12. Are you emotional?

Not really unless I'm watching Lost

13. Words I say a lot

Uh... Dude I guess??

14. Picture of myself?

I hate taking photos of myself, but here ya go. Lighting is shit cause it's late, and I'm actually wearing my glasses for once.

 Lighting is shit cause it's late, and I'm actually wearing my glasses for once

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15. A picture of another person?

Couldn't decide out of my two long time favs that I don't really talk about enough, so here.

Danny Smith

I refuse to believe this dude is 46

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I refuse to believe this dude is 46.... Photo isn't a recent one (it's from a few years ago) but dude does not look his age. (I just noticed he's older than Misha Collins, WHAT-- only by a year tho, but I--)

Brandon Quinn

Brandon Quinn

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16. Favorite hobby?

Writing, reading, and going around the secondhand stores and buying more books.

17. Role model?

Uh... I don't know.... Johnny Depp?

Also, Danny Smith. The guy is super sweet, and is a great musician, actor and artist. Though he doesn't really do much acting these days. And tbh, if I had the money I'd definitely buy some of his art.

I've also interacted with him a few times on Instagram. It wasn't really much - just liking and commenting on one of my photos (same with Brandon Quinn actually, so I've been noticed by both the Big Wolf on Campus guys YAY!) but still.

18. Best person you know?

Can it be a celebrity? Cause Danny Smith or Johnny Depp.

Otherwise, I don't know.

19. Crush?

I've only got crushes on celebrities tbh....

Danny Smith
Brandon Quinn
Aimée Castle
Johnny Depp
Marilyn Manson
Misha Collins
Bryan Cranston

All celebrities that appear to all be twice my age....

Well, aside from Alexander Calvert. He's the closest to my age that I've a crush on.

 He's the closest to my age that I've a crush on

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20. Tag 20 people

I ain't tagging 20 people, only a few


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