Tag 6 = Why Did Candy Make A Wattpad?

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I found this one online, and thought it would be fun.

I found this one online, and thought it would be fun

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1. Meaning behind username? There's no meaning really, just the name of a character from the Warrior Cats books (one that I've not yet read about actually) It's also the fourth username on here I've used. First was Lionblaze_Thunder, also Warrior Cats based, second was Punkstress_Fuentes, third which isn't a hell of a lot different than the second, Punkstress_Gaskarth, and now it's -hawkwing, which looks a lot better than all my previous ones. Though there seems to be an issue with users not being able to tag my username, is it because of the - at the beginning, or is Wattpad just an ass?

2. Favorite book? Favorite book as in Wattpad book? Uh, I don't really read much on Wattpad anymore, mostly cause since my tablet has died on me I'm having to use my laptop I don't particularly like reading on the desktop view of Wattpad. But there a a considerable amount of stories I'd like to read on here at some point, most being Lord of the Rings fanfics, and maybe a few Stucky (though I find better Stucky over on Archive Of Our Own).

But any book in general, I have to say The Hobbit.

3. What's your icon and background? I just changed my profile picture from my boys, Reese, Malcolm, and Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle, to this gorgeous photo of one of my all time favs - before Frankie Muniz and Bryan Cranston - Johnny Depp. Seems fitting now that the truth is coming out, and honestly, fuck Amber Heard.

And my current background photo is a beautiful shot that I found on Google of a sunset over Mount Maunganui beach, which is about a half hour drive away from me, depending on the traffic

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And my current background photo is a beautiful shot that I found on Google of a sunset over Mount Maunganui beach, which is about a half hour drive away from me, depending on the traffic. And let me tell ya, this place and the shops near it are always busy, which is why I barely go there.

 And let me tell ya, this place and the shops near it are always busy, which is why I barely go there

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4. What type of books do you write// if you write? I write fanfiction. My older stuff is real person fic of the pairing of a couple bandmembers I no longer like very much (Kellin Quinn from Sleeping with Sirens and Vic Fuentes from Pierce the Veil), I have written a couple other real person fics for a few other bandmembers. But now I mostly write for the pairing of Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes, and a few Chris Evans/Sebastian Stan (the actors that portray Steve and Bucky in the MCU). I've also just started after many years to write fanfic for Malcolm in the Middle, and I love it! Doesn't get a lot of notice though.

I also write some stuff involving male pregnancy, which I have a soft spot for (I think I may of had a hand in starting off the amount of Kellic mpreg fics on Wattpad back when I started in late 2014....). I've been starting to cut down on writing mpreg though.

I'd very much like to start writing fanfic for other stuff though, like Lord of the Rings. I have many fanfic ideas across many different fandoms, like Pirates of the Caribbean and maybe Game of Thrones. Still debating on whether or not I want to write fanfic for Narnia though.

I also have some ideas for original stories, so one day those will be up. I think most of them are fantasy, as that's my favorite genre to read in.

5. Recommend 3 books. Refer back to question 3. But, I will recommend some books that are on my to-read list.

The Secret of the Forest by floranocturna It's a Thranduil X OC fic, and I've been meaning to check it out at some point.

Veiled Stars by rh27writer It's a retelling of the Lord of the Rings that I'm very interested in checking out along with it's sequel, Crownless.

The entirety of Silverhand19's Lord of the Rings fanfic series Tales From the Fourth Age. I've been meaning to check them out. I think I've read the first in the series Into Depravity, but I've not yet read the rest of them.

There are others I've been meaning to check out, but these are the ones at the top of my list of fics I'm wanting to read.

6. Secret about your Wattpad? Secret of my Wattpad? Uh, that it was originally supposed to be used for Warrior Cats fanfics, but that didn't exactly end up happening? It's not really a secret, as I've said it before, but it'll do for this question.

7. Tag 10 people. Okay, tags... not sure who's already done this. Can I tag ten people? We'll see. (I'm kinda just going through my following list tbh)











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