Chapter 23

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"My heart bleeds adrenaline." 


Things seemed to calm down after everyone finished eating and getting drunk of their asses. We were treated to showers with hot water and some actual beds. It was a nice change of pace overall. I smell worse than a dead raccoon in a backed-up sewer, so I'm sure you can imagine I scrubbed my skin raw. Daryl and I somehow got booted out of camp cool kid and ended up being the only people who had to unwillingly share a room. Plus BOB, since he's sort of stuck with me by default. Dixie-cup was nice enough to let me cleanse myself first while he continued to nurse an entire bottle of vodka. I've said it once and I'll say it again: mood.

I dougied my way right out of the bathroom, humming to myself like the bad bitch I absolutely am. Daryl didn't seem amused with me. Like, at all. I made sure to flip him off mid-dance move to show him how many fucks I didn't give. He just rose an eyebrow at me and took another swig of alcohol, which is fair. It's the apocalypse. Dancing in front of someone I don't know that well in the CDC's literal basement while they get fucking hammered probably wouldn't be socially acceptable in the world before the end! But here we are nonetheless.

Daryl, I'm coming to learn, is a man of few words. Getting a read on this guy is less than easy, but I'm doing my best. I like to think we're forming a bond. I mean, things could move a bit faster between us and I wouldn't complain, but I'm sure we'll be bouncing jokes and puns off one another in no time! I'll crack his shell. I have nothing better to do. Well, other than survive, but aside from that. Everyone needs hobbies. Irritating Daryl can be mine! I'll annoy him until he submits to my overwhelming companionship. 

"Your turn, Dixie-cup. I can smell you from here and I must say that I'm not a fan." I gave it to him straight. You see, if you haven't gathered this tidbit of information by now, it may be good to note that I am not the type to beat around the bush. I either fuck shit up or I don't fuck it up. Give or take a few other options all just as to the point as the two I just listed. Just-- nevermind, I'm confusing myself. The entire fact of this matter is that I'm a lot to deal with. That's it. I'm sure Daryl has long since figured that out by now. 

"Who th' hell asked you?" Daryl scoffed. I scoffed right on back. Did I ask for the sass? No, definitely not. I would remember if I'd ordered that off the Daryl Dixon Deluxe menu. 

"Um, you did when you inserted yourself into this room, dumbass." I rolled my eyes at him. Fairly petty, but I've never been one care what others think of me or my obnoxious attitude. Unless that someone is Castiel or Glenn, both of which are truly too pure and naive for this world. They can give me criticism anytime. I won't complain. I welcome their advice with open arms. "I was here first, remember?"

Daryl seemed to think about it for a moment before realizing I was right, as per usual. I am not one to be proven wrong easily. Can I be beaten? At Monopoly, yes, easily. I have no control over my spending. But in real-life situations like this, I am nearly unstoppable. Call me Al Capone, because I'll gamble you out of your life's savings and seize your entire neighborhood under my control. Or something like that. I really don't know. That was just the first person I thought of. He sucked. Bad example.

"...Whatever." Daryl must be on his man period. Or maybe it's the alcohol. Wait, does how I am on my period reflect how I am drunk? This is a theory I'm going to have to test one day seeing as I can't actually remember. When I get drunk, I go all the way. Blackout style. Hence why I chose to lay off the liquor tonight. Something in my gut tells me I need to put keep some Hakuna in Ma-tatas. And my gut and I are bros. I have learned to seldom ever doubt the homie. That's just how we roll. Unless chilidogs are involved. My stomach always wants one when it knows its there despite knowing the hellish two hours we will spend on the toilet. Also off-topic. Do I have ADHD or am I just insane? I applaud my brothers for putting up with me for so long.

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