Chapter 6

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"But they say oh, how the good die young."


Two weeks had passed since Merle and I's little hunting trip with Daryl, and we were avoiding each other like the plague. Other than a nod in each other's direction anytime we happened to pass each other in camp or a knowing look anytime we found our eyes meeting, we'd had no contact whatsoever. I wasn't complaining all too much. I also wasn't opposed to help in finding out how this all started, and moreover, how to end it. Not that we could get much research done staying in one place. Finding out where this started would be key.

"How do you do it?" Amy asked. She was helping Carol cook a hearty stew while I sharpened wooden sticks into pikes. Shane had insisted on reinforcing the camp and setting up traps. I had to agree with the man. This place wouldn't remained untouched for long. It was only a matter of time before a walker found their way into our little civilization. 

"Do what?" I glanced up at her.

"Keep Merle off your back!" Amy exclaimed as though I should have guessed. "He's always coming after Andrea and I. He already met you, but he's barely even looked at you. He doesn't even stare." She frowned.

"Maybe he likes blondes." I shrugged carelessly. Most hunters have a mutual respect for one another. To be a hunter and to have made it so far without dying is admirable, and it's not like being a hunter pays all that well to begin with. Saving people's lives as a profession and not getting paid for it is something most would deem honorable. Merle can't be all that bad if he's been saving people long enough to get a tattoo that prevents demons from entering his meat suit. The fact that he's worried about being possessed at all shows he's dealt with some rough shit.

"Merle Dixon doesn't care what you look like or who you are." Andrea scoffed as she plopped down next to me. "All he cares about is your rack and your ass. That's about it with him."

I shrugged again. What Merle does is his business, but I hope he knows I'll snap his neck if he dares overstep his bounds. I'm sure he's aware of that by now. Anyone who'd heard the Winchester name knows. "Whatever. I'm not complaining." 

"Lucky." Amy grumbled. 

"Erica!" T-dog called. I turned around, my body twisting in a way that made my spine let out a satisfying crack. Andrea cringed away from me in response to the atrocious sound, and Carol laughed at the look on Amy's face. T-dog looked a little freaked out, and more than a little lost. I knew that look. I'd seen it on him before. Cas was here. I swear to God, if he had the audacity to dare appear in front of T, I'll wring his neck.

"I'll be back, you guys." I hopped up, dropping the spear I'd been carving out to the ground. "I'll be right there, T-dog! Don't let him wander off!" 

I rushed off in the opposite direction towards where the Dixon's had set up shop. I may not be Merle's number one fan, but he is a hunter, and he's been civil enough not to ogle my boobs like he does to everyone else. That's got to count for something, right? Whatever. I told Castiel not to come back unless he had information on the apocalypse or if my brothers had turned up dead. Merle is either going to learn something new or become a shoulder to cry on. One of the two.

"Hey, Merle!" I called as I approached. He turned around just as I got there, and I grabbed his arm without hesitation, tugging him towards where Castiel was no doubt waiting. "Let's go. I need to show you something."

"The hell?" Daryl stood from where he'd been skinning what looked like a squirrel. I tried not to wince. I always forget how close Merle and Daryl are despite the latter not knowing about his older brother's occupation as a hunter of supernatural beings. "What do yah want with Merle?" 

"Don't worry, baby brother. I'm sure she just wants a piece of ole Merle here!" Merle laughed. I shot him a glare. Now isn't the time. Castiel could have important information. 

"Merle." I ground out. He's going to make me regret including him. "Now."

"Yer a feisty one!" Merle laughed, but the look in his eyes told me he was only saying it for Daryl's sake. To try and get him to stay here and not follow us. The younger Dixon glared at us as I grabbed Merle by the ear, tugging it harshly. T-dog isn't going to be able to convince Castiel to sit tight for long.

"Hurry the fuck up." I hissed. "Before he wanders into camp."

"Who?" Merle hissed, pulling his ear from my grasp as we speed-walked away from where Daryl still stood, staring after us. The older Dixon looked severely annoyed by my harsh treatment, but he didn't mention it. He probably knows he deserves it for being an asshole. At least he didn't try any cheap pick up lines on me like he does on Andrea and Amy. He would have lost his head. 

"Castiel." I hissed back as he rushed after me.

"Who th' hell is Casketell?"


"Erica, you're safe." Castiel seemed relieved as Merle and I arrived. The angel eyed the man cautiously. "Who's this?"

"Merle Dixon. He's an asshole, but a hunter as well. What do you got?" I asked. Beside me, Merle tensed, glancing down at me. I rubbed my hands together eagerly. Castiel doesn't have any bodies with him, which is a plus. He also doesn't look too scared. There's a good chance he found out some juicy details pertaining to this whole apocalypse event.

"Now hold on just a damn minute. Who the hell is he?" Merle asked, folding his arms over his chest. I sighed heavily. Explaining who and what Castiel is has always been in a pain in the rear. Luckily, we don't have to do it often, but I have a feeling Merle is the type to flip his lid when he learns about something like this.

"I'm an angel of the lord." Castiel said formally, his arms hanging stationary at his sides. Merle's jaw absolutely dropped at Castiel's blunt announcement, his eyes bugging out of his sockets. I tried not to snicker at his absolute disbelief and awe. Never thought I'd see those two emotions plastered on Merle Dixon's face. It's a little refreshing. It's one of those times I really wish I had a camera to capture the moment. 

"An angel?!" Merle bellowed. I glared at him, and he immediately lowered his tone before I smacked him upside the head. "I'd heard rumors, but you got yerself an actual damn angel? What the hell, woman?" He was staring at me like I'd just told him hell's gates had opened for a second time.

"Castiel pulled Dean and I out of hell." I shrugged. "They wanted one of us to be a vessel or something so we could- you know what? It's not important. Castiel, what did you find out?" I asked, turning to him. Merle muttered a few curses under his breath before his eyes turned to Castiel. The angelic being was, unsurprisingly, not fazed by Merle's shock.

"Heaven and Hell aren't in chaos because of over population." Castiel admitted. "They're panicking because... almost no souls have been entering either. Reapers have been unable to obtain them."

"I'm sorry, what?" I blinked. Merle tensed beside me.

"The undead creatures you've been calling walkers... their souls are still intact. They're stuck inside of their own body until their second 'life' is ended." Castiel explained shortly, his face grim. I turned to Merle, who was already looking at me. Both of us gaped at one another. I was suddenly glad I'd invited him to come along with me. I wasn't sure I'd be able to process this by myself. The fact that walkers still have the souls of who they were before trapped inside.

"They conscious?" Merle choked out. "The dead?"

"Yes. It's similar to demon possession in that way." Castiel's answer made my heart just about stop. I turned to look at Merle again, my heart pounding in my chest. I saw his Adam's apple bob as he took in this new chunk of information.

Walkers were dead bodies, sure, but the person they were before they turned... they were still very much alive, and still stuck inside.

[Song: Spirits by The Strumbellas] 

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