Chapter 5

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"Be something greater, go make a legacy."


"Erica knows how to hunt."

I looked up from where I was sitting with Sophia and Carl, teaching them how to sharpen knives. It was something their mothers had both agreed they needed to know, so I'd fished two pocket knives that were relatively small out of my trunk to give them a good start. Carl was more ecstatic, while Sophia was hesitant to touch the small weapon. She was coming around, though. I had hope that she'd be your average, everyday Kujo with the thing by the time she was done learning knife safety.

"What?" I asked, my eyes darting between Glenn, who'd outed me, and Shane. The former police officer was standing next to a very annoyed looking Daryl and a fairly amused Merle, who raised his eyebrows upon seeing me. I raised mine right back. The Dixon's were two people I had yet to meet, but from what I'd heard, they were both assholes. Merle more so than his brother. I grimaced slightly. 

"Daryl and Merle here were going to go scout the woods. See if there's anyplace worth staking out to try and snag something fresher than a can of peas." Shane said. I felt my heart drop. And Glenn just volunteered me to join them, didn't he? I looked to Lori for help, but she simply raised her hands in surrender. My gaze darted back to the small group of men still staring at me, waiting for me to respond. It wasn't happening.

"Safety is in numbers, so I just thought..." Glenn's cheeks reddened under my withering stare. I knew I wouldn't be able to stay annoyed with him for long. He's just got such an innocent face on him, and if you stare it long enough, you begin to realize how shitty you are as a person, and how pure he is in contrast. It's both sad and eye-opening at the same time. Personally, I think I've started on the road to self improvement because of him. It's a slow process, but a process nonetheless.

"We don' need nobody to come with us." Daryl spat as I began to stand up. Immediately, I began to sit back down. Carl and Sophia stayed silent. I had a sneaking suspicion that the Dixon brothers scared them. I'd probably feel the same way were I in their shoes. Daryl looks like he just got dog shit stuck to the bottom of his shoe, and Merle's just downright ugly. Not that I haven't seen uglier bastards than him.

"Now, now, brother! Let the lady come along. Maybe she can learn a thing or two from us." Merle winked at me. I pressed my lips into a thin line to try and contain my absolute, utter annoyance. Men always think they're so superior. At least, they do until I break their noses with a single sucker-punch to the face. They're too busy groaning in pain to try demean me after that.

Daryl shot his brother a heated glare, and I stood up, wiping my hands on my pants. "Keep at it, kids." I gave the two children a two finger salute before I gave my attention to Shane and the Dixon's. Daryl looked just about ready to bite my head off. Merle, on the other hand, was staring at me like I was a piece of meat. Not gonna fault him there. I'm smokin. "Well, what're we waiting for?"

"That's all ya bringin?" Daryl asked in a sharp tone of voice. I looked at the machete clipped to my waistband and the decent-size knife I'd been sharpening before. I slipped that into its sheath too, raising an eyebrow. What was he expecting? If he wants me to whip out the real fire power, I won't refuse.

"Problem?" I asked, folding my arms over my chest. Merle let out a cackle.

"No need to get yer panties in a knot, Darlina. I'm sure the woman knows what she's doin'." Merle slapped his younger brother on the back. I would say they remind me of Sam and Dean, but they really don't. I shrugged airily, my eyes shifting over to Shane. I know he's only sending me so I can keep an eye on them. They seem like the type to run off after wreaking some form of havoc.

"Wish me luck, Officer." I grinned. Shane's lips quirked up.

Daryl stomped ahead of us as we started out into the woods, grumbling curses under his breath about Merle being an asshole, and me being a useless bitch. I've had worse said about me. I let his words bounce right off of me as I tromped after him, Merle keeping pace with me. I could feel his eyes on me as we walked. Or more specifically, my ladies, tit and ties. I tried not to cringe at the fact that I was about to be stuck in the woods with him. If worse comes to worse, I'll chop his dick off and choke him with it.

"I've got eyes, you know." I raised my gaze to meet his. He's got the same eyes as his brother.

"I know, I know." He said, slightly defensive. Guess he doesn't want me socking him in the face. "We haven't officially met! Yer name's Erica, right?" He grinned at me, his southern twang become all the more evident.

"The one and only." I sighed, blowing a strand of hair out of my face. "Where'd your brother go, anyway? He doesn't seem to play to well with others."

"Don't worry to much about him, darlin. He's got a stick the size of Texas up his ass." Merle chuckled. I rolled my eyes a little, glancing at him. My eyes went to his arm, and I paused, my steps faltering. This made Merle stop as well, his gaze following mine to the tattoo on his arm. I could feel myself go rigid, my gaze raising to meet his.

I don't know what I was expecting. I mean, when is luck ever on my side these days? First I get bombs dropped on me, and I'm separated from my brothers. Castiel is off playing detective while I tromp around the woods with some redneck who's apparently a hunter. Of all the people in camp, it had to be him. This assclown. Fuck!

"You're a hunter." I breathed, my eyes wide. Merle being a hunter doesn't... fit. The look of complete and total shock on his face told me I wasn't mistaken, though. He scrambled to find words, clearly not expecting my declaration. His mouth opened and closed in a way that reminded me of a fish out of water. I groaned, running my hands down my face. Merle Dixon's a hunter.

"You can't tell Daryl." He managed to get out, finally. He grabbed my shoulders firmly. "He don't know."

"Calm your tits, Dixon. I won't tell if you don't." I pulled out of his grasp, my nose scrunching up in disbelief. "I just can't believe... you? I didn't see that coming from a mile away." I frowned a little, my eyes shifting back to the anti-demon possession tattoo on his inner forearm. When the first apocalypse started, a lot of hunters got anti-possession tattoos to help fight against the sudden increase in the demon population in the world. 

"You got one of these?" He tapped the tattoo. I nodded, yanking the collar of my shirt down a little to reveal the edge of it. He let out a breath of air, nodding and leaning back against the tree behind him. We both fell completely silent, processing. 

"What's yer last name?" Merle finally asked. He wasn't joking around or being a pervert anymore. He realized how serious this was. I don't doubt his mind has been reeling trying to figure out how, and why, this whole apocalypse started in the first place. It's actually a bit of a relief to find another hunter out here, even if it is this guy. At least somebody knows that there's got to be something else afoot.

"Winchester." I admitted. 

"You're shittin me. Were y'all the ones to start this shit show, then?" Merle asked, his eyes widening with clear accusation. I immediately shook my head. Unless Sam and Dean were up to no good while I was away, this was completely not our fault. At least I don't think it's our fault. Who really knows at this point. We're always messing shit up. We hadn't been trying to start the first apocalypse, but look what happened anyway.

"Not that I'm aware of. I was taking down a vamp nest when this all started." I frowned. "What do we do?"

Before Merle could answer, Daryl came tromping through the bushes, looking severely annoyed. Took him long enough to realize we weren't behind him. "The fuck y'all waitin for?! I found some damn tracks over yonder. Pick up the damn pace. I didn't come out here to have no damn tea party."

Merle and I shared a look before that same, sleazy grin slipped back onto his face and he began after his brother. I swallowed, glancing behind me back towards camp before beginning after the two brothers. I sure as hell hope I don't end up regretting this.

[Song: High Hopes by Panic! at the Disco]

In The End | Daryl DixonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora