Chapter 25

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"I'm not freaking out, but it feels like time is running out,"


We rode out of there like bats out of hell, BOB on my shoulder and Jenner in hand. Dixie-cup was sorely unamused by our ride along passenger but I gave him very little choice in the whole matter. You think I'm going to leave the only virologist we have behind to commit suicide via a missile that sets literal air on fire? Uh huh, absolutely fucking not. I've got essentially zero leads to go off of to begin with. No need to put the one hope all of us have in the ground.

I don't know how much of this has a medical aspect. It's a demonic virus in origin, but the way it effects the human body... yeah, there's only so much I know about that shit. And by only so much I mean essentially nothing, because I'm stupid, have the attention span of an acorn, and have the memory of a goldfish. I admit it. As perfect as I am, even I have my faults. Not being a doctor is one of them. Insert hair flip here, please and thank you.

"Your cat talked." Jenner said for the twenty seventh time since we'd started driving. I watched Daryl's hands tighten on the steering wheel with mild interest. I was shoved into his side, sandwiched between he and Jenner. I would've put the man, the myth, the legend in the center if I thought Daryl would keep from strangling him. Instead I just had to keep faith and hope Jenner didn't try to bail out the passenger side door on us.

"It don't talk." Daryl grit out, also for the twenty seventh time. It looked like a vein was about to start popping out on his forehead. I reached out and patted his arm a few times to try and show my unwavering support. I got a very nasty glare for my troubles, which was noted but not appreciated. "I don't know why th' hell we've got to bring this coot along. He's clearly lost his goddamn marbles. Shoulda left him to die. 's what he wanted anyway."

"A crazy doctor's still a doctor. Unless you think Rick, Dale and Shane are going to put their coconuts together and think up a cure." I offered. Daryl let out a huff of air, but I knew he saw how excellent a point I was making. "So what if he thinks BOB talks? At least he's not trying to bury a pen in our tracheas. Right?"

I gave a Daryl a winning smile, to which he rolled his eyes and huffed at me. I sense that I've gained acceptance despite that and thus will let it go without teasing him about it. Besides, Jenner is coming off as a little batshit. BOB did totally talk, but Daryl doesn't know that and I'm not going to tell him. Comedic relief. That, and I'm pretty sure Daryl would attempt to beat BOB to death with a pillowcase full of rocks. That just seems really on brand for him. That, or a bolt between his big, beautiful cat eyes. I'd really like to avoid that altercation.

Aside from staring at BOB unblinkingly for the past however long its been since we hit the road, I'd say Jenner's doing pretty okay. He's definitely come to terms with the fact that his suicide attempt had failed. He's more enamored with my talking cat now (that's what she said) and that probably means he isn't going to throw himself into the middle of the road in an attempt to become a speed bump. 

"Sure. But the man wanted to die." Daryl argued, but it was more halfhearted than before. I snorted a bit, leaning down to snatch my bag out of the floorboard. Jenner didn't move a muscle, and neither did BOB. Were either of them even breathing? It's like watching a really long Mexican standoff in real time, but less guns, less hats, and less music. "And if he tries again, I sure as hell ain't stopping him. All he's gonna do is cost us more food, and more supplies. We got enough to worry about with the damn dead stumbling around. Like hell I'm gonna waste my time watching some lunatic."

"Your cat can talk." Jenner repeated. We ignored him. 

"Yeah, yeah, you're a horrible person and you want to make sure we all know how little you care. You don't have to convince me, Dixie-cup. I know you're stone cold." I dug around in my bag, smiling in the face of Daryl's glower. "Want some chocolate?"

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