Chapter 22

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"Justice for all ain't specific enough."


Am I surprised the password worked? Uh, yeah. Kinda. I'm known for not remembering the important shit I really should. It is truly a miracle from Chuck himself that I was able to recall that singular word. Watching those shutters raise was like watching heaven's gates open. For the first time in a hot minute, it seems like being a Winchester is working in my favor. That's assuming whoever's inside-- or whatever-- isn't just popping its doors to shoot me dead. I would one-hundred percent not blame them for that. The first apocalypse was pinned on us. Which well, yeah, fair. It made sense that this one would get stuck to us too.

We spread out with Daryl and I bringing up the rear, ready to take out anything that might threaten our livelihood. Sophia, Carl, Carol, and Lori all stayed in the center of our little platoon to ensure no harm came to them. The entryway to the CDC was quite cool in contrast to the sweltering heat outside. BOB seemed to appreciate that, weaving through my legs like he was trying to trip me. What a little shit head. I'm honestly lucky he's bothered to stick around this long. I don't deserve his superior presence. 

"Hello?!" Shane called into the sizable building, his voice echoing off the walls.

"Close those doors." Rick spun around, trying to get a good look at every nook and cranny of the place. I felt basically every muscle in my body gradually grow more and more tense with each step we took. I don't smell any sort of sulfur outright, or anything else to indicate there could be a supernatural entity present. That's sort of one of the issues with most monsters, though. They're good at disguising themselves. That's what makes it so hard to catch half the fuckers. It's why most people don't even know they exist.

"Keep an eye out for walkers." I noted. I don't smell anything. Rotting bodies are pretty fragrant. I mean, it's literally a fermenting corpse that's animated. Very fun. I gave the air another good whiff and found nothing out of the ordinary. A little must. Following that, I then proceeded to make eye contact with a living, breathing human being. One that was pointing an automatic rifle at us. "Oh."

"What? Did y-" Daryl paused when he saw who I was looking at, his crossbow flying up and steadying in his hand. I took a deep breath. If there's one, could there be others too? There's no safe way to tell. There are too many dark spots in here. It's too big and we're very plainly out in the open. I'm really not digging it. I'm not sure anyone is, but it was that or die, so I guess we had to take the chance. I'm a resourceful person. If push comes to shove, I'm sure I'll figure something out! Even if that something is crawling my way out of hell itself.

"Hello?" The man called out to us, and everything whipped in his direction. I bit the inside of my cheek. No need to panic! I'm calm! Everyone remain calm! It's fine! Totally, totally fine. "Are any of you infected?"

There was a tense moment of awkward silence. I shared a look with Dale. Then with Glenn because he was shivering like one of those really dingy little Chihuahua's. Daryl was shaking slightly, which I don't think is a good thing. I'm not sure. I haven't learned his tells yet, so I'll have to go off dog standards like I did with Glenn. He's either really excited, really scared, or extremely tense. Probably the latter, but he could just be internally jumping for joy! Probably not, but this is a good time to let my imagination go buck wild. Am I right, or am I right? Let's live life on the edge, ladies. Yeehaw!

"One of our group was." Rick answered because no one else was stepping up to the plate to bat. Telling the man with the gun that we had someone attacked in our posse really didn't seem like the best course of action. Sometimes, honesty is the best policy! Sometimes it's just... not. I really hope this guy doesn't say fuck all and just shoot us. If he did, I wouldn't even be mad. This is the apocalypse. A fuck all, fuck you sort of time. "He didn't make it."

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