Chapter 1

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I know walking dead/supernatural crossovers have already been done but I really want to give it a go. This doesn't start at any particular moment during Supernatural, really. I'm just sorta... yeah, this is going to suck balls, y'all. Wish me luck. 

Disclaimer: I do NOT own the Walking Dead or Supernatural. All I own is Erica and her personality.


"Tossed about, I'm like a ship on the ocean"


The one time I decide it's alright to go on a hunt by my lonesome, without my two brothers to watch my every aching move, this happens. 

"They said something bad would happen." Cas said next to me. I guess I wasn't totally alone. Sam and Dean had forced Wings here to come with me, but I really wasn't complaining. Over the past few years, Castiel has quickly gone from a complete oddball of a stranger to a complete oddball of a friend. In my book, he'd joined our little broken family a long time ago. Having him here was a comfort. 

"Yeah," I agreed, "I didn't think there'd literally be bombs falling from the sky, though." 

"Yes. That is rather unexpected." Castiel agreed as Atlanta shook with fiery explosions. I'd come here to take out a vamp nest. Which I'd done, spectacularly, by the way. Didn't even get bit this time. But now Castiel and I are holed up in a two star motel, staring out the window as light explodes further out in the city, gradually getting closer and closer to us. Things honestly aren't looking too hot for us two at the moment.

"I guess we should go. Unless you favor getting blown apart, that is." I hoisted my bag up over my shoulder. Castiel nodded, his face grim. "Come on, Agent Beyoncé. We've got a bombing to escape." I'm never letting him live that down, and he knows it. 

"That was a mistake." He immediately defended as I walked towards the door, hoping I'd at least make it to the car before we were blown to smithereens. As a last resort, I suppose Castiel can zap us out of here with his angel mojo for all it's worth. I'm hesitant to leave behind my car, though. It was a pain in the ass to steal, and it's a classic. A 1969 Ford Mustang. A real beauty if I've ever seen one. Castiel doesn't understand my newfound obsession with it. I don't think he realizes getting attached to random objects distracts me from the pain of existing in general.

"A mistake you're never living down." I grinned. "Now, let's get out of here. Maybe we can figure out what's going on. If we're not dead by then."

"I won't let anything happen to you." Castiel swore. "Sam and Dean told me to watch you. And you're my dear friend, Erica." 

"Cut it with the mushy shit, Cas. We're gonna be just fine. Joking is the only way I know how to cope with tragedy." I explained as I threw open the door. I came face to face with the ugliest mother fucker I've ever laid eyes on. With milky eyes and a stench that rivaled mine after a good tromp through the woods, I found myself gagging and reeling back as he stumbled forward, arms swinging. This day is going great. Luck is clearly on my side.

"Shit." I cursed, reaching for the gun tucked in my waistband. Turn out I didn't need it in the end. Castiel had the guy up and off me before I could blink. I scrambled to my feet only to duck again when a huge explosion rocked the building, sending glass flying. Castiel shoved his angel dagger into the guy's chest. It did nothing to stop him.

"Something isn't right." Castiel stated the obvious. He's good at that. "He's dead."

"Cas, get your shit together." I sighed.

"He has no heart beat." Castiel turned to me with a frown. I stared at him. Alright, I will admit that that's a bit concerning, but I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. There are plenty of things that don't have a heartbeat. Vampires, for example.

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