Chapter 17

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**A/N..this chapter was just sort of a filler, plus I got my braces today and wanted to get my mind off them, so I decided to write! It's a very short chapter though. Hope you enjoy and i'll update soon :) thanks for reading!**

Chapter 17

The following morning.

“The Big Day.”

Everything was going wrong. Nothing was going the way it was supposed to. Everything and everybody was running extremely late. The guest hadn’t arrived yet, the photographer cancelled at the last minute, my dress was the wrong size and didn’t fit and John was nowhere to be found. But yet the ceremony was due to start any minute now.

I took a shaky breath and rushed around the church, in and out of unfamiliar large wooden doors, in search of the groom to be, John. I called his name until my voice was hoarse.

Coming to the end of a long dusty passage, I pulled open a large creaky door and peered inside.

“John?” I called out. The room was dark and the air was cold, causing me to shiver. I squinted my eyes, trying to make out two dark figures huddled in the corner of the room. I took a step closer, the dusty floorboard creaking beneath me. My mouth fell open in horror.

“John!” I whispered, feeling the tears brimming in my eyes.

John dressed in his wedding suit, was huddled in the corner, pressing another girl up against the stone wall, tongue halfway down her throat, his hands running all over her slender body.

As soon as they heard me speak, he pulled away quickly, stepping in front of the girl, desperate to hide her identity. A look of pure horror was etched on his lipstick covered face. Time seemed to slow down, the head spun and my stomach churned within me. The dark room was eerily quiet, it was all too surreal.

I stepped forward, trying to make out the woman, hiding behind a protective John. My John.

“Wh-who is she, John?” I spat, my voice cracking.

He gulped loudly, and opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

“John.” I snapped, anger boiling inside me. I suddenly lurched at him, trying to pull him aside, but he was too strong.

“I’m sorry, Millie. Please, I’m so sorry!” John cried, holding my arms to my side. “Please forgive me.”

“Give it up, John..She’s going to find out anyway. Don’t hurt her anymore!” A timid voice, interrupted from behind John.

I gasped, recognising the all too familiar voice. John stepped slowly aside, obeying the anxious voice, a solemn look in his big brown eyes that begged for forgiveness. My eyes flickered to the corner to where she was standing, cowering away.My hand flung to my mouth, as I let out a cry of desperation.

“I’m so sorry” She mouthed, her face scrunched up with tears. It was her. Of course, it had to be her. It was my so called “best friend”... Jane Asher.

“Millie! Wake up, c’mon. Mil, it’s only a dream.” Someone soothed me.

I sat stark upright in the bed, my bed clothes were stuck to me with sweat and my heart hammered in my chest. A dream. Only a dream. It was all a dream. I rubbed my eyes and focused on the concerned face beside my bed.

“Jane.” I breathed, my voice shaky.

“You alright?” Jane looked at me strangely. I nodded quickly.

“You were shouting my name and um...calling me a bitch?” She added, raising her eyebrow. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

“What was I doing in your dream, may I ask?” Jane asked curiously, laughing.

“I can’t really remember..” I lied. I remembered all too vividly. I shrugged off the memory, quickly.

“Oh, okay.” Jane confessed, a little deflated. “Well, come ed then! We’ve a wedding to get ready for.” Jane  cheered, dragging me from bed.

“Shit” I thought to myself. “I’m getting married today.” 

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