Dominating! Nagito x Reader

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(Play the song above, it's from TBHK but its so pretty!)

Hey it's author-chan. The awesome IDontKnow_111 has kindly recommended this one shot! Thanks so much! Nagito is a little childish in this for plot convenience so that's that. Anywho, on with the oneshot!

(Y/N) PoV

"(Y/N)~!" Nagito said for the forty-second time today. I'd had a long day at work and was making (F/F) to treat myself. I stir the meal and take a whiff of the brilliant smell. I just ended up groaning in response to nagito calling me again. After a few more failed tries of getting my attention, nagito pouts and walks away. Finally. Peace and quiet. Or so I thought.

He then runs up to me, hugs my waist and lifts me up from the (frying pan/pot/stove/bowl etc.) that contained (f/f).
"Ko! P-Please put me down! The food's gonna burn!" Instead of listening to my pleas, he just showers me in kisses all over my cheek and neck. To be honest, they tickled so I smiled and laughed, only to quickly cover my mouth and hit his arms in realisation.
"Alright! Alright! I'll let go!" He shouts, and he ends up dropping me. He gives me one of his signature smiles and rubs his wrist where I hit him then I pet his hair before leaving to go back to my work. I'm sorry nagi. I'm such a bad person.

Nagito's PoV

Hmph! (Y/N) hasn't been as close to me as of recently. I know it a for work but I'm very boyfriend! Surely I'm more important. Determined to show my princess what she's missing out on, I set off to our living room.


A sigh escapes my lips as I plate the meal I made for my brilliant boyfriend. I don't mean to be so harsh, it's just that I'm so busy saving up that I haven't got time to relax.
"Ko! Come and eat!" I shout, placing the meals on our dining table (the dining room and kitchen are joint). "Ko? Komaeda? Nagito!?" I shout again.

Where is he?!

I go into full blown panic mode and rush to the living room to look for Komaeda. Opening the door, I am met with a completely dark room despite the fact that it was only 7pm and it was still pretty light outside. "Ko?" I only manage to whisper. All I a sudden, a faux candle is lit in the far corner of the room, just to the left of me. Light! I dash up to it but I'm stopped abruptly by a chair. "Stupid chair...." I mutter. I stand up, only to be tackle-hugged to the floor. I scream in surprise.
"AHHHHH!" I continue to scream until said perpetrator kisses my cheek. "" I whimper.
"You guessed it!" He shouts.
"Oh my god Ko you scared the living daylights out of me what the hell?!!" I attempt to get up and begin whacking him, but to no avail. He just bear hugs me and showers my body from my ears to my cheeks to my neck to my arms and hands in kisses. I manage to turn around and kiss him directly on the lips and in return I get a blushing mess. So cute! We cuddle on the couch and put on some (fav. Anime). After a while, I Started falling asleep. I adjust myself so that I can sleep on his chest and just before I fully fell asleep, I felt something warm on my forehead.
"I love you nagi." I say sleepily. Then I fell asleep.

Nagito's PoV

Just before (Y/N) goes to sleep, I place a gentle kiss on her forehead. I barely audible 'I love you, nagi' is heard. I reply by saying I love you more, but she was already snoring cutely by that time.


That happened. Thank you so much IDontKnow_111 for recommending and I hope you liked it!

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