Tenko chabashira x Shsl cheerleader! reader

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{it's so cliche}

HAPPY (extremely late) BIRTHDAY TENKOKO! Im so sorry for making this late I just became sooo tired recently and I slept for hours. Most likely vector school but I swear somethings up.

Anywho,Let's give our no.1 #mostlikelylesbian the luv she deservvesssss!

Y/n PoV.

It's been a day since we've been thrown into this killing game. I can't believe this! Due to me being the SHSL cheerleader, I have to be energetic and stay positive, but it's really hard to do so when your life is on the line! I will admit though, I have made a few friends, and even a crush.

Tenko chabashira.

It's not like i plan to ask her out, but it's something that's been lingering in the back of my mind. Even if I did plan to tell her, HOW IN THE GOD DAM HEAVENS WOULD I! She's much better off staying with Himiko.

I put my hair up into a (hairstyle) and wear the only clothes I have apparently; a cheerleaders outfit.

As I leave the room in a closed eyed smile, I land directly into the chest of a wild chabashira.
"Oh, chabashira-senpai,(🤣LMFAO) im sorry I didn't see you!" I could feel my face becoming a shade of red.
"Oh no problem (Y/N)! And call me tenko. By the way, I notice that your face is red, are you okay?"
"Y-yeah I'm fine. Let's go get breakfast shall we?"

We arrive in the dining hall and we sit at a table with the others. Kirumi set a large plate of food on the table, and I reached for some f/f. However I didn't take much since I didn't want to seem greedy.

After eating, I waited for tenko to finish their meal and just as I was about to get up, she told me I had something in my face.
"Here?" I asked, poking my cheek.
"No, up a bit"
"To the side"
"Other side!"
"He-" she cut me off with a kiss on the cheek.
"There. Wouldn't want to waste food, would we?" She then walked off—most likely to Himiko— but I stood there in a daze.

You know, being like this, even just a kiss on the cheek is alright. But it's so cliche.

Sorry for this being short I need to sleep and I had to draw todo-Kun and aaaahhhh!

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