Quick Note

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Hi everyone! I'm really enjoying the reviews and attention this book is getting. Thank you so much for all of the support! 

Just a quick note, I wrote this book a long time ago and I am not an author so I'm very sorry for any grammar mistakes, confusing parts or if you think this book is bad in general. I wrote this book in high school so like 7-8 years ago. Please stop leaving comments about the grammar or how this book isn't great. I was a high schooler and I wanted to write a story and I did. You can say I did it more for myself to get a feeling of accomplishment. Don't berate me for doing something I enjoyed back then and do in my free time. ONCE AGAIN I'M NOT AN AUTHOR AND I WAS TRYING MY BEST. 

Thanks for listening to my rant and thanks for reading my book! 

-Sami :) 

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