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I relate to Jinki on a personal level 🙃 



I was sat on the park bench with comes Des, garçon, shawol and Minho. The park was quiet, as it was slowly being coated by the falling cherry blossom petals that belonged to the trees that dotted along the path.

"we should get going, the dogs are getting bored" Minho said as he held out his hand to help me up.

"yeah,.. Sure" i smiled as Minho held my hand and gently pulled me up.

The two of us walked with the dogs for another 30 minutes, still holding his hand. We eventually arrived back at the apartment in 20 minutes, Kibum walked happily over and took Commes Des and Garçon off of me and placed them in his room out of the way.

"you've got another hour free, you two can do what ever you want till then" Kibum said as he shut the door to his room.


Me and Taemin decided to watch TV for a while, Shawol came over and curled up on my lap as the two of us were sat on the sofa.

After watching quite a few videos of dogs, Kibum, Jinki and Jonghyun walked in with the dogs, and told the two of us to get our coats on.

"Why" i asked as Taemin put his coat on, and i was putting Shawols lead on.

"going out  while it's empty, it will be fun, just don't try and escape and we'll all be perfectly fine," Jonghyun replied as the five of us walked out the door with the dogs leading in front.  

"the dogs wont escape, they'll be fine" Taemin said while confused. "i was talking about you, don't forget about the time we almost lost you at the airport because you got distracted" Jonghyun said while laughing at Taemin. "that wasn't my fault! i saw a puppy..." i could hear the two start to bicker about taemin's habbit of wandering off.

"can you two stop, im getting a headache from both of you" jinki responded while hitting them both over the head.

"he started it..." Taemin whined while pointing to Jonghyun.

I'm going to end this chapter here for now, I have a really bad headache that's causing me to stay away from my computer / phone, so the next one may be a few days, I'm sorry it's short and probably crappy ❤️🙏🏻

I'm going to end this chapter here for now, I have a really bad headache that's causing me to stay away from my computer / phone, so the next one may be a few days, I'm sorry it's short and probably crappy ❤️🙏🏻

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Here's an adorable picture of baby Minho to make up for it ❤️😂😅

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