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"hyung, hurry up, Minho and Jinki are already in the car, and Jonghyun is waiting by the door." i shouted as i was waiting for Kibum to finish getting ready for practice.

After Kibum finished getting ready and they had arrived at the practice room:

"okay so same as always, so broken ankles, no slips and no pushing, especially you Jinki" Jonghyun said as we all walked into the practice room whole Jinki rolled his eyes.

"Ah, boys, we got here early to discuss some important questions with you" the manager said as we all stood in the door way confused as hell.

"especially you, Taemin, now, take a seat" He said as he pointed to the floor, as if we were children in a classroom.

"I was talking to the producers and we are wondering if Jonghyun would like a solo debut" he asked while checking his list which was on his phone in his hand. "and Kibum as well, the fans particularly like the two of your voices, it would be a good idea"

"we'd still be part of the group, right?" Jonghyun asked while looking at each of us.

"yes, the two of you will"

"we'll do it" they both said in unison

"now Taemin, I'd like to tell you something outside, please follow me" he said while walking out of the doorway and closing it behind the two of us as he took me towards one of the empty rooms.

"now, my bosses asked me to inform you of a change they have been discussing, it's about your place in SHINee" He said with a serious face.

"what, are they kicking me out!?I've not done anything!?" I replied loudly while panicking.

"not exactly, we will be transferring you to a new group, that would mean that you would be moved out of your apartment with the SHINee members and into the new groups apartment"

"but... I want to stay with my members." I said while looking down.

"look kid, I know you are really happy with the members, sadly, it's not up to me, and, it's not really up to you, I was just told to inform you" the manager said while patting my shoulder lightly.

"if it makes you feel any better, Kai, Baekhyun, ten, TaeYong, Mark and Lucas will be a part of the group with you, another part is that, you will be away for a 6 months with the group In England"

"I don't have a choice.. Do I?" i asked, the manager shook his head.

"not really, besides.. The assistants have already started getting the apartment organised for later today when you all move in" He said as he checked his phone.

"Today!?" I asked.

"yes, all that is for you to do, is pack your belongings in the next few hours, which would mean you have to leave today's practice"

"okay..." i replied as the manager walked with me out of the company to the car.

"you have to be finished by 3pm,thats when the driver will come back to pick you up to take you to the new apartment."

30 minutes later at the apartment:

1 missed call

Call back
Yes No

8 missed calls

Call back
Yes No

3 missed calls

Call back
Yes No

19 missed calls

Call back
Yes No

Just get your stuff packed, besides, i know everyone he mentioned, so it won't be too hard, will it??

Can't be that hard, I'll still talk to them and hang out with them.. Right?

Hii, just wanna say thank you for reading this so far x I really appreciate it 🙏🏻🤗

Byeeee 👋🏻

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