Rebel Meeting

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" Thank you for your help today Amirah. I really appreciate it. We're so under staffed because of the daily picking." Ms. Minnie said to Amirah with a soft smile on her face.

Amirah untied the straps from around her waist and took the apron off, putting it in the dirty clothes hamper. " It's really no problem Ms. Minnie. You know you can call my number whenever you need my help in the restaurant." She told the elderly woman as she took the gloves that she had on and took the hair net off of her hair.

Ms. Minnie smile at Amirah, grabbing her hands. " Please be safe out there Amirah. Watch your surroundings. These creatures are dangerous and will not hesitate to end your life if they feel they are being crossed. Always watch your back and never let your guard down." Ms. Minnie told her in a low voice.

Amirah nodded her head firmly.

Ms. Minnie let Amirah's hands go. " Now be on your way young one. If I need your help tomorrow I'll call you ok?"

" Of course Ms. Minnie." Amirah said as she grabbed her bag, and with one final wave, she walked out of the restaurant.


By the time Amirah had made it to her small two bedroom one bathroom house, took a shower, ate dinner and left back out, the sun had already started to set.

The scorching heat of the day has turned to a comforting warmth. The sun had lost its brightness and the colours of the sky are softened to rich hues of red blended with oranges, purples, and pink.

The evening was quiet. Barely anybody was out on the streets. Amirah wouldn't blame them. Wuxirian watcher tend to abuse their powers and bully humans for no apparent reason, so people tend to stay in their monitored homes after a certain time of the day.

That's why Amirah was always quick on her feet when going to her destination. Her eyes were always watching her surroundings. She hated running into those pigs. Wuxirians disgusted her.

The chilly wind of the evening had begun to pick up making Amirah zip her jacket up and stuff her hands into her pockets as she moved quicker, her eyes moving right to left, and a quick glance behind her as she made her way into the woods.

A sigh left her mouth. She was still watchful but it was less urgent now the she had the cover of the dense trees and the quickly approaching night sky.

The walk into the woods was a long one, but it was necessary for the place she was going.

Her footsteps were careful as she stayed on the pre made path to cancel out any noises.

Amirah walked a little more and when she looked down and saw the rusted metal poles that you wouldn't even notice if you weren't looking for them started to stick from the ground, she stopped.

Amirah lifted her foot slightly tapping three times, waiting ten seconds before tapping four times, and waiting fifteen seconds before tapping five times.

Amirah stepped back slightly as the wooden door in the ground had begun to raise open. Amirah looked around, making sure she was clear then quickly walked up, flashing the small anti wuxirian sign tattoo on the inside of her middle finger, the person at the door nodded and motioned for her to come inside.

Amirah made her way down the stairs to the underground weekly meeting that the wuxirian rebel leaders planned.

Mostly everyone was already seated, so Amirah stood and leaned against the wall as the leader begin to speak.

" Now that everyone is here, we may get started with this weeks meeting." The leader stated as she banged her gavel on the podium. " We've already talked about our strategy, and we finalized them in last weeks meeting . We need to come together and decide when we are gonna put our words into actions." Leader Remea spoke to us. " We have let the wuxirian's abuse their powers over us for too long and I refuse to sit around being anyone's slave anymore. It's time for us humans to rise up ones again. It's time to fight for our freedom or die trying!" Leader Remea spoke passionately.

There was a rumble of feet meeting the ground as the rebels stomped their feet on the dirt covered ground, a way of silent cheers and agreement.

" Any suggestions?"

" We can strike during the night. Take out the guards that guard the royal gate, get inside and break off into different sections. It doesn't matter who do it and who gets their first but the main objective would be to kill off all of the royal family. If we take them out, they have no one to lead them." A rebel member named Zomian replied to her.

" That sounds easier said then done. The problem lies in the surveillance though Zomian. Even if we were to take out the guards, the gates are under 24 hour surveillance. Our plans will be foiled before we ever make it through the gates." Leader Remea said to him.

" How about the ball?" Another member named Aliza spoke up.

" Please elaborate." Leader Remea said to her.

"The Wuxirian ball that they have every year is approaching. They are going to need plenty workers that night. We should try to secure a place on that staff, and when the time is right, we can strike. It will be a surprise that one one will be expecting. The royals will be an easy access and it will be easy to take them out."

There were murmurs all around the room in agreement with Aliza.

" We will deliberate more next week. Our time today has come to an end. Thank you all for coming tonight and remember that we are more than slaves and servants to these aliens. No matter how long it takes, we will keep fighting and we will take our planet back from these invaders." Leader Remea said to us.


Amirah had gotten back to her home as quickly as she could. The rebel meetings were always kept short because we could only have them at night and everyone had to be inside of their monitored home by a certain time.

She let out a tired sigh as she locked her door behind her and made her way up the stairs to her room.

Amirah was exhausted, all she wanted to do was shower and go to sleep.

Amirah stripped off all of her clothes and put them into the dirty clothes hamper then she made her way to her bathroom.

After Amirah's showers, she dried herself off, grabbing her bra and panties, slipped them on before turning off her bedroom light.

Amirah sighed again as she flopped on to her bed, pulling her covers up and over her body and let her eyes close.

The silence in her room was comforting and it helped the sleep come easier.

Amirah was on the edge of unconsciousness when suddenly a deep voice spoke.

" I've been waiting all day to see you and you fall asleep on me."

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