All Mine

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[ Amirah's Pov ]

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[ Amirah's Pov ]

My eyes widened at the voice behind the door. Not many things in this world scared me, but the sound and tone of that voice did. And they wanted me to go into a room with that thing?

What's the point of giving my life up for the sake of the human race if I'm just gonna die in the end?

I sighed to myself. I really am stuck between a rock and a hard place.

"MATE MATE MATE!!!" The voice shouted over and over, getting louder and rougher as it banged on the door with every yell.

My heart was was racing. The worry for my safety was evident in my eyes, and my fight or flight response felt like it was beginning to kick in and all I wanted to do was run away since killing him in front of his own father would be an immediate death sentence for me.

" Mate!" He yelled out again.

Then there was a momentary silence. I couldn't take my eyes off of the door, worried that if I did, he would bust down the door in a quick second.

Suddenly there was a loud bang, and a huge crack had formed on the large mahogany wood door.

I let out a small shriek, and backed away from the door. My head whipped around to where the King stood, his face was ridden with annoyance, then he brought his eyes and attention over to me.

" You needn't be afraid girl. That is your mate beyond this door. And only you and you alone will be able to quell the transformation that he is going through." The King told me.

" Well guess what? I don't know how to do that! I'm not one of you! And how do you know he won't hurt me? The way he sounds right now, sounds like he wanna rip my fucking head off!" I yelled.

I was so stressed right now. I've dealt with a lot of Wuxirian's throughout the years, but I've never seen one of them act like this. Like a true textbook definition of a monster.

" I have warned you once girl, to watch your mouth when you address me. Next time, there will not be a warning, only strict punishments. I do not care if you are my son's mate. Do you understand?" The King said looking at me, his eyes not wavering away from mine to get his point across.

I hate him. I hate him with my entire existence.

I bowed my head to him. " I apologize for my insubordination your majesty." I told him.

" Hn." Was his only reply.

I stepped back again when another hit was made to the door, cracking it even more.

" Now lend me your ear for just a moment." He told me as he walked up to the door, not even flinching when another hit was made to it, then he turned his attention back to me. " When my explanation to you about what you must do have concluded, you are going to go inside of my son's room and bring him out of this madness. That will be your first duty as his mate." The King said to me.

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