Big Ole Bullies

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A door had creaked open as multiple feet could be heard pattering across the floor of the room.

The seven year old girl was still in her deep sleep as the multiple pairs of feet begin to circle the bed she was sleeping on.

Giggles were let out as others shushed the giggling members of their groups as the supposed leader of this group held up three fingers with a smirk on her face.

" Three. Two. One." She counted down.

Once the little girl reached one, the group of girls that surrounded the seven year olds bed turned over the buckets that they were holding onto the bed and onto the seven year old.

The different girls with the buckets contained different things. One contained water, one contained dirt, one contained grass, and the last one contained worms.

The seven year olds eyes shot open when she felt the freezing cold water seep into her covers, soaking her.

Her eyes widening as she saw the pile of dirt, grass, and the worms the were wiggling and crawling all over her.

She let out an ear piercing scream as she threw the covers off of her body and jumped out of the bed, tears stinging her eyes and she frantically smacked the remaining dirt and worms off of herself.

Her tear filled eyes looked at the mess on her bed, then she looked around at the girls that were laughing and pointing at her.

Her lip trembled as her eyes filled with tears and begin to stream down her face.

Her nose begin stinging as she begin sniffling, short sobs escaping her mouth.

She wiped the tears from her eyes and ran past the girls, almost tripping over the buckets that were sprawled over her room floor.

When she caught her footing she ran out of her room.

Past the other rooms that were filled with other little girls.

She ran down the spiral staircase, and over to the front door, then she ran out.

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