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"No, Harry!" Hermione gasped in a petrified whisper; Ron, however, spoke to Black.

"If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us too!" he said fiercely, though the effort of standing upright was draining him of still more colour, and he swayed slightly as he spoke

Something flickered in Black's shadowed eyes.

"Lie down," he said quietly to Ron. "You will damage that leg even more."

"Did you here me?" Ron said weakly, though he was clinging painfully to Harry to stay up right. "You'll have to kill all three of us."
- Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban, or that one time fourteen year old Ron Weasley stood on his broken leg to tell a convicted murderer he would go down fighting for his best friend's life.

'Something flickered in Black's shadowered eyes". You know what that is? The knowledge that Sirius would have said the same thing for James and vice versa and that Harry had found equally loyal friends as he did in James and Remus.


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