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"That was quite some patronus." said a voice in Harry's ear.

Harry turned around to see Professor Lupin, who looked both shaken and pleased. (PoA. p263)

So, can we talk about how Remus just saw his best friend's son cast a patronus of James's animagus form?

The animagus form that James learnt for Remus's sake?

The same animal that protected Remus from himself, that he ran around with every month? The reminder of the boy who had always been there for Remus?

Imagine how much he hust have wanted to tell Harry how much James meant to him, and how much Harry reminded him of James in moments like this. Remus must have wondered a hundered times how Harry would feel if he tolf him how much he'd loved Harry when he was a baby.

But he didn't say a word, because Harry needed Professor Lupin, not Uncle Moony.

Uncle Moony, enough has been said.

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