T W E N T Y - F I V E

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"So now that youre all here what do we do? I kinda just wanna relax recently has been very overwhelming. Can we just listen to some music and play mario kart or something?" Awsten responds "We can do anything you want" he says joyfully. "Again thanks guys it really does mean a lot to me" Awsten goes to the kitchen and grabs a wrapped box and hands it to me I slowly unwrap the box it was the animal crossing Nintendo switch and animal crossing new horizons and the mario kart game for it. "Awsten this was surely so expensive you really didnt have to do that please dont let me have this" Awsten giggles "No its all yours now that youre here with me again id like to see you enjoying your time" I look at him and smile "Thank you". "I open the box and pull the switch out and put the mario kart cartridge "Im so going to beat your ass in this game" everyone laughs knowing that all Awstens been doing is playing mario kart. We all join a game and I get last place. "You were saying y/n?" Awsten says evilly. I run up and playfully attack him and we start play fighting. I see a phone flash recording us but I really couldn't care because this is the happiest ive been in a long time. We both end up stopping and just laying next to each other on the floor while everyone is watching tv or playing on their phones. I move my head to his chest and just lay there not saying anything.


We were just play fighting but both of us being stubborn we stop fighting and just lay on the floor together. We stay like this until she moves her head to my chest and lays on me. She looks relaxed so its all okay to me. I play with her hair a little bit I can hear Otto taking pictures and quietly fangirling about whats going on. I look at y/n she must of fallen asleep I smile at that. "Hey guys ill be right back," I pick her up bridal style and lay her on her bed and cover her with a blanket and quietly leave the room. I go back to the living room "Man guys I think im lit rally in love with her or something".

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