Chapter 17

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Mike's P.O.V

I heard a scream. Zoey. Then my surroundings all became a blur and I was standing in a girly room. It had to be Sierra's. I was also holding some weird metal thing in my hands. When I looked down, I saw Zoey. She had a big gash in her forehead and blood was running down her face getting her shirt wet with blood. I then knew Mal had done this. It had been a set up. He wanted to get out of the way when he injured Zoey so it would look like I was guilty. I was furious, so I kinda kicked down one of Sierra's pictures. When I looked around my shoulder, Sierra, Cody, Heather, Riley, and Noah all standing their in shock. Sierra started to cry when she saw Zoey and saw the object in my hand. Cody was comforting her and looked scared. Noah looked well normal but shaken up. Riley and Heather stood there shaking their heads and making sure Zoey was alright. Which I knew she wasn't. Cameron came into the room holding onto Dawn's wrist, they were followed by Tyler. Everyone left at that party was in that room staring at me. Cameron then fainted and Noah tried to wake him up, but hen gave up.

" Why did you do it? " Riley said, breaking the silence.

" I-I didn't. " I replied, very nervous.

" Mike. You clearly did it. I mean nobody else could've harmed Zoey. You were the only one in here with her. " Cody said.

" You don't understand! I didn't- "

" Yes Mike, you did, face it you may have permanently damaged Zoey. You may have even- " Sierra said, then bursted into tears.

I felt terrible, I hated Mal I HATED him. I can't deal with this.

" Just tell us why you did it Mike?" Dawn said.

" It wasn't me! IT WAS MAL!" I screamed.

That silenced everybody.

" Then how come you aren't confused that you are in this room, holding a wrench, and Zoey is on the ground, injured. " Heather asked.

" Wait has anybody called the ambulance?!" I yelled.

" Calm down. Tyler did. " Noah said.

I haven't even noticed Tyler has been out of the room.

" Are you gonna to answer my question?" Heather said.

" I AM confused! I- i HATE MAL! " I yelled, before bursting into tears and running over to Zoey's innocent body.

" IM SO SORRY Z-ZOEY! I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU! I screamed, crying as hard as I ever had before.

" WHY DID HE HAVE TO DO THIS!? I HATE YOU MAL! I HATE YOU! " I screamed crying louder.

I could just hear his laughing in my head, it got louder every time my heart would beat. I have had enough. I started to slam my head on furniture. I was crying, crying. All I could hear was his laughter. All I could see in my head was Zoey, dying because of me. Dawn, Riley, Noah, Cody, Tyler, Cameron, Heather and Sierra were all trying to stop me injuring myself. They succeed somewhat, but also failed, because when I opened my eyes one more time after hitting my head on the bed frame, all I saw was darkness and I could feel my body going limp.

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