Chapter 13

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Mike's P.O.V

It's so dark in here. All I remember is being at Zoey's house and having this weird headache and then I gasped. Mal had gotten back into control. I had been etching on a screen what had been happening. It was horrifying! I keep trying to get back in control. But it's no use, Mal is to powerful. He has injured 13 people! This is getting out of hand. What if he hurts Zoey?

" Great idea Mike." I heard Mal's voice say.

" NO! Don't hurt Zoey! " I said.

" Why? Because then she'll think your a monster and then never want to speak to you again. "

I think to myself a minute. " Actually go ahead. She'll know it's you Mal. She already knows what your like. "

" What if I do something so horrific, Mal couldn't even take the blame for it?" Mal said with a grin on his face.

I just stood there wide eyed. I couldn't believe what this had come to. Now he's going to hurt Zoey and make her and all my friends never want to see me again. Then as I'm laying on the brain colored ground, I look up to see my screen go black. I started panicking and cursing and crying.

All I knew now was he was going to hurt Zoey. She was never going to talk to me again. And all my friends will hate me. I needed to find a way out of this brain!

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