Chapter 6

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Mike's P.O.V

Zoey brought me back to her house when we left the hospital. But ever since the accident at the restaurant, I haven't felt so good. I've felt really nauseous and my head hurts like crazy. Well I guess that's normal, since I did pass out. But I just feel that different feeling I did when I had my multiple personalities. Oh crap. I gasped. I felt myself shrink into my own brain, a huge mirror like platform raised up from the corner of my brain. I could see what whoever was in control of my body was seeing. My body turned towards Zoey's bathroom and went inside and looked into the mirror. All I saw was my arch enemy glaring back at me. It was Mal. He was back. But not for long.

" Mal! How did you get back?!" I screamed from the inside of my brain, knowing he could hear me.

" I have my ways. " His ugly, deep voice replied.

" You aren't going to be in control! Not like last time!" I yelled.

He just started to laugh his terrible laugh. I was furious, terrified and confident. I thought really hard, and I felt like myself again. I was back into my body. Mal must be inside my brain for now. That's alright. I just have to stay in control. Just as long as I stay away from people, I think I will be okay. I walked out of the bathroom and back into the living room just in time to see Zoey coming in from outside.

" What were you doing outside?" I asked.

" Just getting the mail. " she smiled back at me.

" Anything interesting?"

" Actually, yeah. Here's an invitation from Sierra. She's throwing a Halloween party for the cast of Total Drama The 6th! Do you wanna go with me Mike? " Zoey asked.

Halloween was a couple days from now, maybe I could definitely be in control by then.
" Sure. I'll go. " I said.

" Great! I'm so excited!" She said as she skipped back to her room. But honestly, I was feeling the exact opposite.

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